Expand description

accounting is a library for money and currency formatting.


let mut ac = Accounting::new_from("$", 2);
ac.set_format("{s} {v}");
assert_eq!(ac.format_money(1000000), "$ 1,000,000.00");
assert_eq!(ac.format_money(-5000), "-$ 5,000.00");

Set the format string of Accounting variable,then format numbers as money values. In the format string:

  • {v} is placehoder of value, will be replaced by number.
  • {s} is placehoder of symbol, will be replaced by currency symbol like $、¥ and so on.
fn format_decimal_type() {
	let mut ac = Accounting::new_from("$", 2);
	ac.set_format("{s} {v}");
	let x = rust_decimal::Decimal::new(-12345678921, 2);
    assert_eq!(ac.format_money(x), "-$ 123,456,789.21"); 

If you want use decimal numbers,enable feature decimal,than you can use decimal number supported by rust_decimal lib. like above.


pub use format_number::FormatNumber;
pub use unformat_money::unformat;
pub use unformat_money::UnformatError;


Define and implement FormatNumber trait.

Strip out all currency formatting and return the numberic string.


Format numbers as money values according to settings.