Crate abstract_interface

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  • Automatically derived trait that allows you to call the variants of the message directly without the need to construct the struct yourself.
  • Automatically derived trait that allows you to call the variants of the message directly without the need to construct the struct yourself.
  • Trait for deploying Adapters
  • Trait for deploying APPs
  • Trait to access module dependency information tied directly to the type.
  • Automatically derived trait that allows you to call the variants of the message directly without the need to construct the struct yourself.
  • Trait to make it easier to construct ModuleInfo and ModuleInstallConfig for a RegisteredModule.
  • Automatically derived trait that allows you to call the variants of the message directly without the need to construct the struct yourself.
  • Automatically derived trait that allows you to call the variants of the message directly without the need to construct the struct yourself.
  • Automatically derived trait that allows you to call the variants of the message directly without the need to construct the struct yourself.
  • Automatically derived trait that allows you to call the variants of the message directly without the need to construct the struct yourself.
  • Automatically derived trait that allows you to call the variants of the message directly without the need to construct the struct yourself.
  • Automatically derived trait that allows you to call the variants of the message directly without the need to construct the struct yourself.
  • Trait to access module information tied directly to the type.
  • Trait for deploying Standalones
  • Automatically derived trait that allows you to call the variants of the message directly without the need to construct the struct yourself.
  • Automatically derived trait that allows you to call the variants of the message directly without the need to construct the struct yourself.
