Trait abstract_cw_multi_test::Wasm

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pub trait Wasm<ExecC, QueryC> {
Show 17 methods // Required methods fn execute( &self, api: &dyn Api, storage: &mut dyn Storage, router: &dyn CosmosRouter<ExecC = ExecC, QueryC = QueryC>, block: &BlockInfo, sender: Addr, msg: WasmMsg ) -> AnyResult<AppResponse>; fn query( &self, api: &dyn Api, storage: &dyn Storage, querier: &dyn Querier, block: &BlockInfo, request: WasmQuery ) -> AnyResult<Binary>; fn sudo( &self, api: &dyn Api, storage: &mut dyn Storage, router: &dyn CosmosRouter<ExecC = ExecC, QueryC = QueryC>, block: &BlockInfo, msg: WasmSudo ) -> AnyResult<AppResponse>; fn store_code( &mut self, creator: Addr, code: Box<dyn Contract<ExecC, QueryC>> ) -> u64; fn store_code_with_id( &mut self, creator: Addr, code_id: u64, code: Box<dyn Contract<ExecC, QueryC>> ) -> AnyResult<u64>; fn duplicate_code(&mut self, code_id: u64) -> AnyResult<u64>; fn contract_data( &self, storage: &dyn Storage, address: &Addr ) -> AnyResult<ContractData>; fn dump_wasm_raw( &self, storage: &dyn Storage, address: &Addr ) -> Vec<Record>; // Provided methods fn contract_namespace(&self, contract: &Addr) -> Vec<u8> { ... } fn contract_storage<'a>( &self, storage: &'a dyn Storage, address: &Addr ) -> Box<dyn Storage + 'a> { ... } fn contract_storage_mut<'a>( &self, storage: &'a mut dyn Storage, address: &Addr ) -> Box<dyn Storage + 'a> { ... } fn ibc_channel_open( &self, _api: &dyn Api, _contract_addr: Addr, _storage: &mut dyn Storage, _router: &dyn CosmosRouter<ExecC = ExecC, QueryC = QueryC>, _block: &BlockInfo, _request: IbcChannelOpenMsg ) -> AnyResult<IbcChannelOpenResponse> { ... } fn ibc_channel_connect( &self, _api: &dyn Api, _contract_addr: Addr, _storage: &mut dyn Storage, _router: &dyn CosmosRouter<ExecC = ExecC, QueryC = QueryC>, _block: &BlockInfo, _request: IbcChannelConnectMsg ) -> AnyResult<AppIbcBasicResponse> { ... } fn ibc_channel_close( &self, _api: &dyn Api, _contract_addr: Addr, _storage: &mut dyn Storage, _router: &dyn CosmosRouter<ExecC = ExecC, QueryC = QueryC>, _block: &BlockInfo, _request: IbcChannelCloseMsg ) -> AnyResult<AppIbcBasicResponse> { ... } fn ibc_packet_receive( &self, _api: &dyn Api, _contract_addr: Addr, _storage: &mut dyn Storage, _router: &dyn CosmosRouter<ExecC = ExecC, QueryC = QueryC>, _block: &BlockInfo, _request: IbcPacketReceiveMsg ) -> AnyResult<AppIbcReceiveResponse> { ... } fn ibc_packet_acknowledge( &self, _api: &dyn Api, _contract_addr: Addr, _storage: &mut dyn Storage, _router: &dyn CosmosRouter<ExecC = ExecC, QueryC = QueryC>, _block: &BlockInfo, _request: IbcPacketAckMsg ) -> AnyResult<AppIbcBasicResponse> { ... } fn ibc_packet_timeout( &self, _api: &dyn Api, _contract_addr: Addr, _storage: &mut dyn Storage, _router: &dyn CosmosRouter<ExecC = ExecC, QueryC = QueryC>, _block: &BlockInfo, _request: IbcPacketTimeoutMsg ) -> AnyResult<AppIbcBasicResponse> { ... }
Expand description

Acts as the interface for interacting with WebAssembly (Wasm) modules. This trait is crucial for testing smart contracts written in languages that compile to WebAssembly, which is common in the Cosmos and CosmWasm ecosystems.

Required Methods§


fn execute( &self, api: &dyn Api, storage: &mut dyn Storage, router: &dyn CosmosRouter<ExecC = ExecC, QueryC = QueryC>, block: &BlockInfo, sender: Addr, msg: WasmMsg ) -> AnyResult<AppResponse>

Handles all WasmMsg messages.


fn query( &self, api: &dyn Api, storage: &dyn Storage, querier: &dyn Querier, block: &BlockInfo, request: WasmQuery ) -> AnyResult<Binary>

Handles all WasmQuery requests.


fn sudo( &self, api: &dyn Api, storage: &mut dyn Storage, router: &dyn CosmosRouter<ExecC = ExecC, QueryC = QueryC>, block: &BlockInfo, msg: WasmSudo ) -> AnyResult<AppResponse>

Handles all sudo messages, this is an admin interface and can not be called via CosmosMsg.


fn store_code( &mut self, creator: Addr, code: Box<dyn Contract<ExecC, QueryC>> ) -> u64

Stores the contract’s code and returns an identifier of the stored contract’s code.


fn store_code_with_id( &mut self, creator: Addr, code_id: u64, code: Box<dyn Contract<ExecC, QueryC>> ) -> AnyResult<u64>

Stores the contract’s code under specified identifier, returns the same code identifier when successful.


fn duplicate_code(&mut self, code_id: u64) -> AnyResult<u64>

Duplicates the contract’s code with specified identifier and returns an identifier of the copy of the contract’s code.


fn contract_data( &self, storage: &dyn Storage, address: &Addr ) -> AnyResult<ContractData>

Returns ContractData for the contract with specified address.


fn dump_wasm_raw(&self, storage: &dyn Storage, address: &Addr) -> Vec<Record>

Returns a raw state dump of all key-values held by a contract with specified address.

Provided Methods§


fn contract_namespace(&self, contract: &Addr) -> Vec<u8>

Returns the namespace of the contract storage.


fn contract_storage<'a>( &self, storage: &'a dyn Storage, address: &Addr ) -> Box<dyn Storage + 'a>

Returns read-only (not mutable) contract storage.


fn contract_storage_mut<'a>( &self, storage: &'a mut dyn Storage, address: &Addr ) -> Box<dyn Storage + 'a>

Returns read-write (mutable) contract storage.


fn ibc_channel_open( &self, _api: &dyn Api, _contract_addr: Addr, _storage: &mut dyn Storage, _router: &dyn CosmosRouter<ExecC = ExecC, QueryC = QueryC>, _block: &BlockInfo, _request: IbcChannelOpenMsg ) -> AnyResult<IbcChannelOpenResponse>

Executes the contract ibc_channel_open endpoint


fn ibc_channel_connect( &self, _api: &dyn Api, _contract_addr: Addr, _storage: &mut dyn Storage, _router: &dyn CosmosRouter<ExecC = ExecC, QueryC = QueryC>, _block: &BlockInfo, _request: IbcChannelConnectMsg ) -> AnyResult<AppIbcBasicResponse>

Executes the contract ibc_channel_connect endpoint


fn ibc_channel_close( &self, _api: &dyn Api, _contract_addr: Addr, _storage: &mut dyn Storage, _router: &dyn CosmosRouter<ExecC = ExecC, QueryC = QueryC>, _block: &BlockInfo, _request: IbcChannelCloseMsg ) -> AnyResult<AppIbcBasicResponse>

Executes the contract ibc_channel_close endpoint


fn ibc_packet_receive( &self, _api: &dyn Api, _contract_addr: Addr, _storage: &mut dyn Storage, _router: &dyn CosmosRouter<ExecC = ExecC, QueryC = QueryC>, _block: &BlockInfo, _request: IbcPacketReceiveMsg ) -> AnyResult<AppIbcReceiveResponse>

Executes the contract ibc_packet_receive endpoint


fn ibc_packet_acknowledge( &self, _api: &dyn Api, _contract_addr: Addr, _storage: &mut dyn Storage, _router: &dyn CosmosRouter<ExecC = ExecC, QueryC = QueryC>, _block: &BlockInfo, _request: IbcPacketAckMsg ) -> AnyResult<AppIbcBasicResponse>

Executes the contract ibc_packet_acknowledge endpoint


fn ibc_packet_timeout( &self, _api: &dyn Api, _contract_addr: Addr, _storage: &mut dyn Storage, _router: &dyn CosmosRouter<ExecC = ExecC, QueryC = QueryC>, _block: &BlockInfo, _request: IbcPacketTimeoutMsg ) -> AnyResult<AppIbcBasicResponse>

Executes the contract ibc_packet_timeout endpoint



impl<ExecC, QueryC> Wasm<ExecC, QueryC> for WasmKeeper<ExecC, QueryC>
where ExecC: CustomMsg + DeserializeOwned + 'static, QueryC: CustomQuery + DeserializeOwned + 'static,