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A crate which defines two extensions:

The purpose of these extensions is to allow the callers to compute sequences of hash values for any item that is hashable. This functionality is used in different algorithms such probabilistic data structures.

The [PairHasher] implements the HasherExt trait. It a combinator of two Hasher instances which are used in order to generate the sequence of hash values.

The [PairHasherBuilder] implements the BuildHasherExt trait. It provides a convenient way to build [PairHasher] instances. It also prives convenient new functions which allow the user to create [PairHasher] instances by combining two siphasher::sip::SipHasher instances.


 use aabel_multihash_rs::{BuildHasherExt, BuildPairHasher};
 use std::hash::{BuildHasher, Hash};

 let keys1 = (0, 0);
 let keys2 = (1, 1);
 let builder = BuildPairHasher::new_with_keys(keys1, keys2);

 const HASHE_COUNT: usize = 10;

 let item = "Hello world!";
 let hashes = builder

 assert_eq!(hashes.len(), HASHE_COUNT)



  • Extends the BuildHasher trait by allowing to compute the sequence of hash values for one given hashable value.
  • Extends the Hasher trait by providing a mechanism to get a sequence of hash values when the hashing operation is finalized.