Crate a2kit

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a2kit main library

This library manipulates disk images suitable for emulators, with emphasis on Apple II. Manipulations can be done at a level as low as track bits, or as high as language files.


Disk image operations are built around three trait objects:

  • img::DiskImage encodes/decodes disk tracks, does not try to interpret a file system
  • fs::DiskFS imposes a file system on the already decoded track data
  • fs::FileImage provides a representation of a file that can be restored to a disk image

When a DiskFS object is created it takes ownership of some DiskImage. It then uses this owned image as storage. Any changes are not permanent until the image is saved to whatever file system is hosting a2kit.

Language Files

Language services are built on tree-sitter parsers. Generalized syntax checking is in lang. Specific language services are in modules named after the language, at present:

  • lang::applesoft handles (de)tokenization of Applesoft BASIC
  • lang::integer handles (de)tokenization of Integer BASIC
  • lang::merlin handles encodings for Merlin assembly source files
  • Pascal source files are handled through the file system module

File Systems

In order to manipulate files, a2kit must understand the file system it finds on the disk image. As of this writing a2kit supports

  • CP/M 1,2, some 3
  • DOS 3.x
  • ProDOS
  • Pascal File System

Disk Images

In order to manipulate tracks and sectors, a2kit must understand the way the track data is packed into a disk image. As of this writing a2kit supports

  • 2MG
  • DSK, D13, DO, PO
  • IMD
  • NIB
  • WOZ (1 and 2)

Disk Kinds

A disk image can typically represent some number of disk kinds (defined by mechanical and encoding characteristics). The kinds a2kit supports include

  • Logical ProDOS volumes
  • 3.5 inch Apple formats (400K/800K)
  • 5.25 inch Apple formats (114K/140K)
  • 8 inch CP/M formats (IBM 250K, Nabu 1M, TRS-80 600K)
  • 5.25 inch CP/M formats (Osborne 100K/200K, Kaypro 200K/400K)



  • Get a byte value from the image into a JSON object as a hex string.
  • Get a byte value from the image into a JSON object, adding the _raw terminus. The _pretty terminus has to be added by hand.
  • get a multi-byte value from the image into a JSON object as hex string
  • Get a multi-byte value from the image into a JSON object, adding the _raw terminus. The _pretty terminus has to be added by hand.
  • Parse a hex string containing one byte and put value into the image using the given key path.
  • Parse a hex string containing multiple bytes and put value into the image using the given key path.
  • Put a variable length UTF8 string into the image using the given key path.
  • Put a fixed length UTF8 string into the image using the given key path.



  • Given a bytestream return a DiskFS, or Err if the bytestream cannot be interpreted. Optional maybe_ext restricts the image types that will be tried based on file extension.
  • Calls create_fs_from_bytestream getting the bytes from a file. The pathname must already be in the right format for the file system. File extension will be used to restrict image types that are tried, unless the extension is unknown, in which case all will be tried.
  • Calls create_fs_from_bytestream getting the bytes from stdin. All image types and file systems will be tried heuristically.
  • Given a bytestream return a disk image without any file system. Optional maybe_ext restricts the image types that will be tried based on file extension. N.b. the ordering for DSK types cannot always be determined without the file system.
  • Calls create_img_from_bytestream getting the bytes from a file. The pathname must already be in the right format for the file system. File extension will be used to restrict image types that are tried, unless the extension is unknown, in which case all will be tried.
  • Display binary to stdout in columns of hex, +ascii, and -ascii
  • This takes any bytes and makes an ascii friendly string by using hex escapes, e.g., \xFF. if escape_cc is true, ascii control characters are also escaped. if inverted is true, assume we have negative ascii bytes. This is intended for directory strings, for language files use lang::bytes_to_escaped_string
  • Calls parse_escaped_ascii with caps=true
  • Interpret a UTF8 string as pure ascii and put into bytes. Non-ascii characters are omitted from the result, but arbitrary bytes can be introduced using escapes, e.g., \xFF. Literal hex escapes are created by coding the backslash, e.g., \x5CxFF. if inverted is true the sign of the non-escaped bytes is flipped. if caps is true the ascii is put in upper case. This is suitable for either languages or directory strings.
  • Save the image file (make changes permanent)