Expand description

A safe version of ManuallyDrop with various features and options to track undefined behavior when working with ManuallyDrop.


1. easy

use SafeManuallyDrop::ManuallyDrop;
use std::ops::Deref;

fn main() {
		ManuallyDrop - Depending on the build flag, a protected version of ManuallyDrop 
		or an unprotected version of ManuallyDrop with a default trigger. 
	if ManuallyDrop::is_safe_mode() {
		// ManuallyDrop is protected, let's do the standard behavior ManuallyDrop
		// but at the end we'll make the undefined behavior ManuallyDrop.
		let mut data = ManuallyDrop::new(vec![1, 2, 3, 4]);
		println!("data: {:?}", data.deref());
		#[allow(unused_unsafe)] // to avoid warning if the always_compatible_stdapi flag is not used (can be removed)
		unsafe {
			assert_eq!(data.is_next_trig(), false); // VALID
			ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut data); // VALID
			assert_eq!(data.is_next_trig(), true); // VALID
			// <<-- PANIC
				thread 'main' panicked at 'Undefined behavior when using 
				ManuallyDrop(combo_replace_manudropstate), instead of the expected default 
				state, the current state: DropModeTrig.', src/core/trig/hook.rs:14:5
			ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut data); // INVALID, COMBO DROP
	}else {
		println!("#[0] ManuallyDrop is an alias for AutoSafeManuallyDrop, ");
		println!("#[1] ManuallyDrop in the release build has no protection by default,");
		println!("#[2] if ManuallyDrop is not protected it will be the same as in std.");
		println!("#[3] To run the protected version, use `cargo run --example easy` or ");
		println!("`CARGO_PROFILE_RELEASE_DEBUG_ASSERTIONS=\"true\" cargo run --example easy --release`");
		println!("Or use concrete types instead of auto (AutoSafeManuallyDrop, AutoSafePanicManuallyDrop, AutoSafeHookManuallyDrop, AutoSafeCounterManuallyDrop, AlwaysSafeManuallyDrop, AlwaysSafePanicManuallyDrop, AlwaysSafeHookManuallyDrop, AlwaysSafeCounterManuallyDrop) specific data types with specific behavior.");

2. EasyStruct

// 1. In production code, it is recommended to use AutoSafe instead of AlwaysSafe, 
// this will eliminate unnecessary checks in the release build, but leave 
// them in the test build.
// 2. It is generally recommended to use Panic or Abort as a trigger for undefined behavior.
use SafeManuallyDrop::AlwaysSafePanicManuallyDrop as ManuallyDrop;

#[derive(Default, Debug)]
struct ControlDrop(usize);

// Properly created and validated MyLogicData structure.
struct MyLogicData {
	data: ManuallyDrop<ControlDrop>

impl MyLogicData {
	/// Exceptional logic. As a result, the original value will always be returned.
	pub fn ignore_mylogic_and_getdata(mut self) -> ControlDrop {
		// Note that you can only `take` once, any further operation with 
		// ManuallyDrop will cause a panic.
		let data = unsafe {
			ManuallyDrop::take(&mut self.data)
		// ManuallyDrop::forget analog forget(self).
			data logic

impl Drop for MyLogicData {
	fn drop(&mut self) {
			def logic
		println!("MyLogicData, indata: {:?}", self.data);
			1. `ManuallyDrop` always requires it to be freed when it is no longer needed.
			2. Once `ManuallyDrop` is freed, you will not be able to read data from it
			3. You cannot drop `ManuallyDrop` twice.
			You can remove the `unsafe` flags if you don't use the `always_compatible_stdapi` flag.
		unsafe {
			ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.data);

fn main() {
		// run my logic
		let indata = MyLogicData::default();
		// This case will just make the logic default by executing the code in drop.
		// ignore_mylogic
		let indata = MyLogicData::default();
		let cd_data = indata.ignore_mylogic_and_getdata();
		println!("ignore_mylogic: {:?}", cd_data);
		// In this case, the standard reset logic is eliminated and another 
		// specific principle is used, which is embedded in the function with data return.

3. hook

use std::ops::Deref;

// For better performance, we recommend using AutoSafeHookManuallyDrop instead 
// of AlwaysSafeHookManuallyDrop. The AutoSafeHookManuallyDrop type depends on 
// the type of build, debug or release will be with the safe or insecure version
// of ManuallyDrop.
use SafeManuallyDrop::AlwaysSafeHookManuallyDrop as ManuallyDrop;

fn main() {
	unsafe {
		ManuallyDrop::set_hook(|args| {
			println!("!!!{:?}", args);
			for _ in 0..3 {
	let mut data = ManuallyDrop::new(vec![1, 2, 3, 4]);
	println!("data: {:?}", data.deref());
	#[allow(unused_unsafe)] // to avoid warning if the always_compatible_stdapi flag is not used (can be removed)
	unsafe {
		assert_eq!(data.is_next_trig(), false); // VALID
		ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut data); // VALID
		assert_eq!(data.is_next_trig(), true); // VALID
		// <<-- HOOK
		ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut data); // INVALID, COMBO DROP

4. counter

// Let me remind you that CounterManuallyDrop by behavior allows undefined 
// behavior in the same way as ManuallyDrop, but, unlike ManuallyDrop, 
// Counter keeps a counter of the number of undefined behavior triggers.

// !!!!
// CounterManuallyDrop is experimental and changes the behavior of 
// the trigger trait for all types.

#[cfg(feature = "support_count_trig")]
use SafeManuallyDrop::AutoSafeCounterManuallyDrop as ManuallyDrop;

#[cfg(not(feature = "support_count_trig"))]
use SafeManuallyDrop::ManuallyDrop;

use std::ops::Deref;

fn main() {
	#[cfg(not(feature = "support_count_trig"))] {
		println!("To run the example, a build with feature: support_count_trig is required,");
		println!("exp: cargo run --example counter --all-features");
	let mut data = ManuallyDrop::new(&[1, 2, 3, 4]);
	println!("data: {:?}", data.deref());
	#[allow(unused_unsafe)] // feature !always_compatible_stdapi
	unsafe {
		assert_eq!(data.is_next_trig(), false); // VALID, triggers never fired
		// =================
		// !!! ATTENTION !!!
		// =================
		// Procedure:
		// 1. Free up memory and try to read it
		// 2. Re-free memory
		ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut data); // VALID
		assert_eq!(data.is_next_trig(), true); // VALID, counter trigger worked.
		ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut data); // <<-- INVALID BEH, COUNTER += 1 (=1), COMBO DROP
	// !!! Reading an already freed value
	println!("data: {:?}", &data); // <<-- INVALID BEH, COUNTER += 1 (=2)
	#[allow(unused_unsafe)] // to avoid warning if the always_compatible_stdapi flag is not used (can be removed)
	let _data2 = unsafe { // <<-- INVALID BEH, COUNTER += 1 (=3)
		// !!! Trying to get the freed value
		ManuallyDrop::take(&mut data)
	#[cfg(feature = "support_count_trig")]
	assert_eq!(ManuallyDrop::get_count_trig_events(), 3); // <-- The number of times the undefined behavior was triggered.

1. PlugAndPlay (Minimal, Panic)

version = "1.0.3"
default-features = false
features = [

2. PlugAndPlay (Minimal, Abort)

version = "1.0.3"
default-features = false
features = [

3. PlugAndPlay (Minimal, Hook)

version = "1.0.3"
default-features = false
features = [

cargo.toml -> features

// Flags:
// ManuallyDrop and AutoManuallyDrop are always type safe and are automatically 
// checked on use if the debug_assertions flag is enabled (the flag is automatically 
// enabled if test build, debug build, or env: CARGO_PROFILE_RELEASE_DEBUG_ASSERTIONS=true).
// (Also, AlwaysSafeManuallyDrop is always checked for safety when it is used, regardless of the flags.)

// ManuallyDrop and AutoManuallyDrop are always checked when used, 
// regardless of external flags.
// (Also, AlwaysSafeManuallyDrop is always checked for safety when it is used, regardless of the flags.)

// Enable additional internal checks of the SafeManuallyDrop library when 
// the debug_assertions flag is enabled (does not depend on the always_check_in_case_debug_assertions 
// and always_safe_manuallydrop options). This flag type only applies to internal 
// library function checks, it is independent of ManuallyDrop and its valid or invalid usage.
// "allow_fullinternal_debug_assertions",


// Always create a modular table of library flags used in the build.
// (crate::core::flags)

// Trigs:
// Ability to determine if an empty loop trigger has been executed.

// Support for PanicManuallyDrop, in case of undefined behavior 
// of ManuallyDrop there will be a panic.

// Support for AbortManuallyDrop, in case of undefined behavior 
// of ManuallyDrop there will be a abort. (Note that this feature requires std.)

// HookManuallyDrop support, in case of undefined HookManuallyDrop behavior, 
// the hook function will be called.

// Support for CounterManuallyDrop, in case of undefined behavior, 
// CounterManuallyDrop will add +1 to the counter.

// The behavior for the simple AutoSafeManuallyDrop/AlwaysSafeManuallyDrop/ManuallyDrop type will always 
// cause a panic in case of undefined behavior.

// The behavior for the simple AutoSafeManuallyDrop/AlwaysSafeManuallyDrop/ManuallyDrop type will always 
// cause a abort in case of undefined behavior.

// The behavior for the simple AutoSafeManuallyDrop/AlwaysSafeManuallyDrop/ManuallyDrop type will always 
// call the hook function in case of undefined behavior.

// The behavior for the simple AutoSafeManuallyDrop/AlwaysSafeManuallyDrop/ManuallyDrop type will always call 
// the +1 counter function in case of undefined behavior.

// The behavior for the simple type AutoSafeManuallyDrop/AlwaysSafeManuallyDrop/ManuallyDrop will always call 
// the eternal loop function in case of undefined behavior.


Safe and insecure implementations of manual memory management.

The core of the library that defines the basic primitives.


The insecure standard version of ManuallyDrop A wrapper to inhibit compiler from automatically calling T’s destructor. This wrapper is 0-cost.

Type Definitions


A protected version of ManuallyDrop with a function to execute a abort in case of undefined behavior of the ManuallyDrop logic.

A protected version of SafeManuallyDrop with a function to count the amount of undefined behavior of the ManuallyDrop logic. The undefined behavior of CounterManuallyDrop will be the same as when using the standard ManuallyDrop.

The safe version of ManuallyDrop loops the current thread in case of undefined behavior, and using the support_istrig_loop build flag, you can determine whether the thread looped.


Protected or unprotected version of ManuallyDrop with function execution in case of undefined behavior of ManuallyDrop logic.

A protected version of SafeManuallyDrop with a function to execute a trigger function in case of undefined behavior of the ManuallyDrop logic.


A protected version of ManuallyDrop with a function to execute a panic in case of undefined behavior of the ManuallyDrop logic.

Unprotected version of ManuallyDrop with backwards compatibility for SafeManuallyDrop features.


A secure or non-secure version of ManuallyDrop with a function to trigger a abort in case of undefined behavior of the ManuallyDrop logic.


A secure or non-secure version of SafeManuallyDrop with a function to count the undefined behavior of the ManuallyDrop logic. The undefined behavior of CounterManuallyDrop will be the same as when using the standard ManuallyDrop.

The safe or unsafe version of ManuallyDrop loops the current thread in case of undefined behavior, and with the build flag support_istrig_loop you can determine if the thread is looped.


Protected or unprotected version of ManuallyDrop with function execution in case of undefined behavior of ManuallyDrop logic.

Depending on the build flag, a protected version of ManuallyDrop or an unprotected version of ManuallyDrop with a default trigger.


A secure or non-secure version of ManuallyDrop with a function to trigger a panic in case of undefined behavior of the ManuallyDrop logic.

Depending on the build flag, a protected version of ManuallyDrop or an unprotected version of ManuallyDrop with a default trigger. (!! It is an alias to AutoSafeManuallyDrop, the type is needed for clarity and compatibility in codes)