Crate Qit

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Simple quantum computer simulator library without matrix operations.


All gates can make changes to the qubit using the apply method.

§Usage basic gates

use Qit::core::{Applicable, Operator, Qubits};
use Qit::gates::{CX, H, U, X, Z, OperatorVec, PushOps};

// 1-Bit Gate
let h_0 = H::new(0);
// create |0⟩ Qubit
let q_in = Qubits::zeros(1);
let q_out = h_0.apply(q_in);
// |0⟩ : +0.707 +0.000i
// |1⟩ : +0.707 +0.000i

// 2-Bit Gate
let cx01 = CX::new(0, 1);
// q_in = |01⟩ Qubit
let q_in = Qubits::from_num(2, 1);
let q_out = cx01.apply(q_in);
// |00⟩ : +0.000 +0.000i
// |01⟩ : +0.000 +0.000i
// |10⟩ : +0.000 +0.000i
// |11⟩ : +1.000 +0.000i

// Combine gates into one unitary gate
let x = X::new(0);
let cx01 = CX::new(0, 1);
let z = Z::new(1);
let mut circ = OperatorVec::new();
let u = U::new(circ, String::from("example_circ"));

let q_in = Qubits::from_num(2, 0);
let q_out = u.apply(q_in);
// |00⟩ : +0.000 +0.000i
// |01⟩ : +0.000 +0.000i
// |10⟩ : -0.000 -0.000i
// |11⟩ : -1.000 -0.000i

§Usage prepared circuits

The circuits module implements a function that gives a circuit created using the structure of the gates module.

use Qit::circuits::wrapping_qsub_const;
use Qit::core::{Applicable, Qubits};
use Qit::gates::U;

let b = vec![0, 1, 2];
let sub_2 = wrapping_qsub_const(&b, 2);
let sub_3 = wrapping_qsub_const(&b, 3);

// combine sub_2 and sub_3
let sub_5 = U::new(
    vec![Box::new(sub_2), Box::new(sub_3)],
// q_in = |111⟩
let q_in = Qubits::from_num(3, 7);
let q_out = sub_5.apply(q_in);

// |000⟩ : +0.000 +0.000i
// |001⟩ : +0.000 +0.000i
// |010⟩ : +1.000 +0.000i
// |011⟩ : +0.000 +0.000i
// |100⟩ : +0.000 +0.000i
// |101⟩ : +0.000 +0.000i
// |110⟩ : +0.000 +0.000i
// |111⟩ : +0.000 +0.000i


  • Commonly used quantum circuits.
  • Qubit struct used for simulation and complex number struct that composes it.
  • Basic gates that make up quantum circuits and traits related to gate applications