Expand description
is a simple library to provide formatting for currency and numbers.
It makes pretty printing of monetary values convenient.
// Builder format (recommended)
let rupee = LotusBuilder::default()
.format_positive("{symbol} {value}")
.format_negative("{symbol} ({value})")
.format_zero("{symbol} 0.00")
.thousand_str(" ")
assert_eq!("Rs. 2 000 000.0", rupee.format(2_000_000));
assert_eq!("Rs. (2 000.0)", rupee.format(-2000));
assert_eq!("Rs. 0.00", rupee.format(0));
// Using Lotus::new()
let dollar = Lotus::new("$", 3); // Lotus::new(symbol, precision)
assert_eq!("$ 50,000.035", dollar.format(50_000.035));
// Using lotus! macro
let f = lotus!(150, "$"); // lotus!(number, symbol)
assert_eq!("$ 150.00", f);
let g = lotus!(2_000_000); // lotus!(number)
assert_eq!("2,000,000.00", g);
- lotus
- Quality of life formatting macros.
- Lotus
- Lotus
Builder - Builder for