Function rgsl::types::rng::algorithms::gfsr4

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pub fn gfsr4() -> RngType
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The gfsr4 generator is like a lagged-fibonacci generator, and produces each number as an xor’d sum of four previous values.

r_n = r_{n-A} ^^ r_{n-B} ^^ r_{n-C} ^^ r_{n-D}

Ziff (ref below) notes that “it is now widely known” that two-tap registers (such as R250, which is described below) have serious flaws, the most obvious one being the three-point correlation that comes from the definition of the generator. Nice mathematical properties can be derived for GFSR’s, and numerics bears out the claim that 4-tap GFSR’s with appropriately chosen offsets are as random as can be measured, using the author’s test.

This implementation uses the values suggested the example on p392 of Ziff’s article: A=471, B=1586, C=6988, D=9689.

If the offsets are appropriately chosen (such as the one ones in this implementation), then the sequence is said to be maximal; that means that the period is 2^D - 1, where D is the longest lag. (It is one less than 2^D because it is not permitted to have all zeros in the ra[] array.) For this implementation with D=9689 that works out to about 10^2917.

Note that the implementation of this generator using a 32-bit integer amounts to 32 parallel implementations of one-bit generators. One consequence of this is that the period of this 32-bit generator is the same as for the one-bit generator. Moreover, this independence means that all 32-bit patterns are equally likely, and in particular that 0 is an allowed random value. (We are grateful to Heiko Bauke for clarifying for us these properties of GFSR random number generators.)

For more information see,

Robert M. Ziff, “Four-tap shift-register-sequence random-number generators”, Computers in Physics, 12(4), Jul/Aug 1998, pp 385–392.