toy-rpc 0.5.0

An async RPC that mimics golang net/rpc's usage and supports both async-std and tokio failed to build toy-rpc-0.5.0
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Visit the last successful build: toy-rpc-0.9.0-beta.1


A async RPC crate that mimics the golang's net/rpc package and supports both async-std and tokio.

This crate aims at providing an easy-to-use RPC that is similar to golang's net/rpc.

The usage is similar to that of golang's net/rpc with functions sharing similar names and functionalities. Certain function names are changed to be more "rusty". Because rust doesn't have reflection, attribute macros are used to make certain method "exported".


Breaking Changes

The most recent breaking changes will be reflected here.

Version 0.5.0

  • HTTP integration is now accomplished via WebSocket using async_tungstenite, and thus HTTP connections of versions <0.5.0 are NOT compatible with versions >=0.5.0.
  • The custom binary transport protocol now includes a magic byte at the beginning, making versions <0.5.0 NOT compatible with versions >= 0.5.0;
  • toy_rpc::error::Error changed from struct-like variants to simply enum variants
  • Changes to feature flags
    • "logging" feature flag is removed. You can use any crate that support log for logging (eg. env_logger).
    • "surf" feature flag is removed
    • "tide" feature flag is changed to "http_tide"
    • "actix-web" feature flag is changed to "http_actix_web"
    • added "http_warp" feature flag
    • added "async_std_runtime" feature flag
    • added "tokio_runtime" feature flag

Crate Feature Flags

The feature flags can be put into two categories.

Choice of serialization/deserialzation

  • serde_bincode: the default codec will use bincode for serialization/deserialization
  • serde_json: the default codec will use serde_json for json serialization/deserialization
  • serde_cbor: the default codec will use serde_cbor for serialization/deserialization
  • serde_rmp: the default codec will use rmp-serde for serialization/deserialization

Choice of runtime

  • async_std_runtime: supports usage with async-std
  • tokio_runtime: supports usage with tokio
  • http_tide: enables tide integration on the server side. This also enables async_std_runtime
  • http_actix_web: enables actix-web integration on the server side. This also enables tokio_runtime
  • http_warp: enables integration with warp on the server side. This also enables tokio_runtime

Other trivial feature flags are listed below, and they are likely of no actual usage for you.

  • docs
  • std: serde/std. There is no actual usage right now.

Default Features

default = [


The following documentation is adapted based on golang's documentation.

This crate provides access to the methods marked with #[export_impl] and #[export_method] of an object across a network connection. A server registers an object, making it visible as a service with a name provided by the user. After the registration, the "exported" methods will be accessible remotely. A server may register multiple objects as multiple services, and multiple objects of the same type or different types could be registered on the same Server object.

To export a method, use #[export_method] attribute in an impl block marked with #[export_impl] attribute. This crate currently only support using #[export_impl] attribute on one impl block per type.

struct ExampleService { }

impl ExampleService {
    async fn exported_method(&self, args: ()) -> Result<String, String> {
        Ok("This is an exported method".to_string())

    async fn not_exported_method(&self, args: ()) -> Result<String, String> {
        Ok("This method is NOT exported".to_string())

The methods to export must meet the following criteria on the server side

  • the method resides in an impl block marked with #[export_impl]

  • the method is marked with #[export_method] attribute

  • the method takes one argument other than &self and returns a Result<T, E>

    • the argument must implement trait serde::Deserialize
    • the Ok type T of the result must implement trait serde::Serialize
    • the Err type E of the result must implement trait ToString
  • the method is essentially in the form

struct ServiceState { }

impl ServiceState {
    async fn method_name(&self, args: Req) -> Result<Res, ErrorMsg>
        Req: serde::Deserialize,
        Res: serde::Serialize,
        ErrorMsg: ToString,

Req and Res are marshaled/unmarshaled (serialized/deserialized) by serde. Realistically the Req and Res type must also be marshaled/unmarshaled on the client side, and thus Req and Res must both implement both serde::Serialize and serde::Deserialize.

The method's argument reprements the argument provided by the client caller, and the Ok type of result represents success parameters to be returned to the client caller. The Err type of result is passed back to the client as a String.

The server may handle requests on a single connection by calling serve_conn, and it may handle multiple connections by creating a async_std::net::TcpListener and call accept. Integration with HTTP currently only supports tide by calling into_endpoint.

A client wishing to use the service establishes a async_std::net::TcpStream connection and then creates Client over the connection. The convenience function dial performs this step for raw TCP socket connection, and dial_http performs this for an HTTP connection. A Client with HTTP connection or socket connection has three methods, call, async_call, and spawn_task, to specify the service and method to call and the argument.

Please note that call_http, async_call_http and spawn_task_http are becoming deprecated as the same API now can be called for both a socket client and an HTTP client.

  • call method is synchronous and waits for the remote call to complete and then returns the result in a blocking manner.
  • async_call is the async versions of call and call_http, respectively. Because they are async functions, they must be called with .await to be executed.
  • spawn_task method spawns an async task and returns a JoinHandle. The result can be obtained using the JoinHandle. Please note that async_std::task::JoinHandle and tokio::task::JoinHandle behave slightly different. Executing .await on async_std::task::JoinHandle returns Result<Res, toy_rpc::error::Error>. However, executing .await on tokio::task::JoinHandle returns `Result<Result<Res, toy_rpc::error::Error>, tokio::task::JoinError>.

Unless an explicity codec is set up (with serve_codec method, HTTP is NOT supported yet), the default codec specified by one of the following features tags (serde_bincode, serde_json serde_cbor, serde_rmp) will be used to transport data.

async-std and tokio

Starting from version 0.5.0-beta.2, you can use toy-rpc with either runtime by choosing the corresponding feature flag (async_std_runtime, tokio_runtime).

HTTP integrations

Similar to choosing the runtimes, toy-rpc supports integration with actix-web, tide, and warp by choosing the corresponding feature flag (http_tide, http_actix_web http_warp). Starting from version 0.5.0-beta.0 the integration is implemented using WebSocket as the transport protocol, and the DEFAULT_RPC_SERVER=_rpc_ is appended to the path you supply to the HTTP framework. The client side support is not based on async_tungstenite and removed usage of surf. Thus versions >=0.5.0-beta.0 are NOT compatible with versions <0.5.0-beta.0. The examples below are also updated to reflect the changes.


A few simple examples are shown below. More examples can be found in the examples directory in the repo. All examples here will assume the follwing RPC service definition below.

The examples here will also need some other dependencies

# you may need to change feature flags for different examples
toy-rpc = { version = "0.5.0" }

# optional depending on the choice of runtime or http framework for different examples
async-std = { version = "1.9.0", features = ["attributes"] }
tokio = { version = "1.2.0", features = ["rt", "rt-multi-thread", "macros", "net", "sync"] }
tide = "0.16.0"
actix-web = "3.3.2"
warp = "0.3.0"

# other dependencies needed for the examples here
async-trait = "0.1.42"
env_logger = "0.8.2"
log = "0.4.14"
serde = { version = "1.0.123", features = ["derive"] }

Example Service Definition

pub mod rpc {
    use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};
    use toy_rpc::macros::export_impl;

    // use tokio::sync::Mutex; // uncomment this for the examples that use tokio runtim
    // use async_std::sync::Mutex; // uncomment this for the examples that use async-std runtime

    pub struct ExampleService {
        pub counter: Mutex<i32>

    #[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
    pub struct ExampleRequest {
        pub a: u32,

    #[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
    pub struct ExampleResponse {
        a: u32,

    trait Rpc {
        async fn echo(&self, req: ExampleRequest) -> Result<ExampleResponse, String>;

    impl Rpc for ExampleService {
        async fn echo(&self, req: ExampleRequest) -> Result<ExampleResponse, String> {
            let mut counter = self.counter.lock().await;
            *counter += 1;

            let res = ExampleResponse{ a: req.a };

RPC over TCP with async-std

This example will assume the RPC service defined above, and you may need to uncomment the line use async_std::sync::Mutex; in the RPC service definition for this example.

The default feature flags will work with the example below.

use async_std::net::TcpListener;
use async_std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use async_std::task;
use toy_rpc::macros::service;
use toy_rpc::Server;

use crate::rpc; // assume the rpc module can be found here

async fn main() {

    let addr = "";
    let example_service = Arc::new(
        rpc::ExampleService {
            counter: Mutex::new(0),

    // notice that the second argument in `service!()` macro is a path
    let server = Server::builder()
        .register("example", service!(example_service, rpc::ExampleService))

    let listener = TcpListener::bind(addr).await.unwrap();
    println!("Starting listener at {}", &addr);

    let handle = task::spawn(async move {

use toy_rpc::Client;
use toy_rpc::error::Error;

use crate::rpc; // assume the rpc module can be found here

async fn main() {
    let addr = "";
    let client = Client::dial(addr).await.unwrap();

    let args = rpc::ExampleRequest{a: 1};
    let reply: Result<rpc::ExampleResponse, Error> ="example.echo", &args);
    println!("{:?}", reply);


RPC over TCP with tokio

This example will assume the RPC service defined above and you may need to uncomment the line use tokio::sync::Mutex; in the RPC service definition for this example.

The default feature flags will NOT work for this example, and you need to change the feature flags.

toy_rpc = { version = "0.5.0", default-features = false, features = ["serde_bincode", "tokio_runtime"] }

use std::sync::Arc;
use tokio::net::TcpListener;
use tokio::sync::Mutex;
use tokio::task;
use toy_rpc::macros::service;
use toy_rpc::Server;

use crate::rpc; // assume the rpc module can be found here

async fn main() {

    let addr = "";
    let example_service = Arc::new(
        rpc::ExampleService {
            counter: Mutex::new(0),

    // notice that the second argument in `service!()` macro is a path
    let server = Server::builder()
        .register("example", service!(example_service, rpc::ExampleService))

    let listener = TcpListener::bind(addr).await.unwrap();
    println!("Starting listener at {}", &addr);

    let handle = task::spawn(async move {

    // tokio JoinHandle returns an extra result

use toy_rpc::Client;
use toy_rpc::error::Error;

use crate::rpc; // assume the rpc module can be found here

async fn main() {
    let addr = "";
    let client = Client::dial(addr).await.unwrap();

    let args = rpc::ExampleRequest{a: 1};
    let reply: Result<rpc::ExampleResponse, Error> ="example.echo", &args);
    println!("{:?}", reply);


HTTP integration with tide

This example will assume the RPC service defined above and you may need to uncomment the line use async_std::sync::Mutex; in the RPC service definition for this example.

An example client to use with HTTP can be found in a separate example here. The default feature flags will NOT work with this example, and you need to change the feature flags.

toy_rpc = { version = "0.5.0", default-features = false, features = ["serde_bincode", "http_tide"] }

use async_std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use toy_rpc::macros::service;
use toy_rpc::Server;

use crate::rpc; // assume the rpc module can be found here

async fn main() -> tide::Result<()> {

    let addr = "";
    let example_service = Arc::new(
        rpc::ExampleService {
            counter: Mutex::new(0),

    let server = Server::builder()
        .register("example", service!(example_service, rpc::ExampleService))

    let mut app = tide::new();"/rpc/").nest(server.handle_http());
    // with `http_tide`, the line above can also be replaced with the line below


HTTP integration with actix-web

This example will assume the RPC service defined above and you may need to uncomment the line use tokio::sync::Mutex; in the RPC service definition for this example.

An example client to use with HTTP can be found in a another example here. The default feature flags will NOT work with this example, and you need to change the feature flags.

toy_rpc = { version = "0.5.0", default-features = false, features = ["serde_bincode", "http_actix_web"] }

use std::sync::Arc;
use tokio::sync::Mutex;
use actix_web::{App, HttpServer, web};
use toy_rpc::macros::service;
use toy_rpc::Server;

use crate::rpc; // assume the rpc module can be found here

async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {

    let addr = "";
    let example_service = Arc::new(
        rpc::ExampleService {
            counter: Mutex::new(0),

    let server = Server::builder()
        .register("example", service!(example_service, rpc::ExampleService))

    let app_data = web::Data::new(server);

        move || {
                        // with `http_actix_web`, the line above can also be replaced with the line below

HTTP integration with warp

This example will assume the RPC service defined above and you may need to uncomment the line use tokio::sync::Mutex; in the RPC service definition for this example.

An example client to use with HTTP can be found in a another example here. The default feature flags will NOT work with this example, and you need to change the feature flags.

toy_rpc = { version = "0.5.0", default-features = false, features = ["serde_bincode", "http_warp"] }

use warp::Filter;
use std::sync::Arc;
use tokio::sync::Mutex;
use toy_rpc::macros::service;
use toy_rpc::Server;

use crate::rpc; // assume the rpc module can be found here

async fn main() {
    let example_service = Arc::new(
        rpc::ExampleService {
            counter: Mutex::new(0),

    let server = Server::builder()
        .register("example", service!(example_service, rpc::ExampleService))

    let routes = warp::path("rpc")

    // RPC will be served at "ws://"
    warp::serve(routes).run(([127, 0, 0, 1], 8080)).await;

RPC client for HTTP

This example will assume the RPC service defined above. The default feature flags will work with this example. However, you may also use client with any runtime or http feature flag.

All HTTP examples assumes that the RPC server is found at "" endpoint.

use toy_rpc::Client;
use toy_rpc::error::Error;

use crate::rpc; // assume the rpc module can be found here

// choose the runtime attribute accordingly
async fn main() {
    // note that the url scheme is "ws"
    let addr = "ws://";
    let client = Client::dial_http(addr).await.unwrap();

    let args = rpc::ExampleRequest{a: 1};
    let reply: Result<rpc::ExampleResponse, Error> ="example.echo", &args);
    println!("{:?}", reply);


Change Log


Breaking changes

  • HTTP integration is now accomplished using WebSocket with async_tungstenite, and thus HTTP connections of versions <0.5.0 are not compatible with versions >=0.5.0.
  • The custom binary transport protocol now includes a magic byte at the beginning, making versions <0.5.0 NOT compatible with versions >= 0.5.0;
  • toy_rpc::error::Error changed from struct-like variants to simple enum variants
  • Changes to feature flags
    • "logging" feature flag is removed
    • "surf" feature flag is removed
    • "tide" is changed to "http_tide"
    • "actix-web" is changed to "http_actix_web"
    • added "http_warp" feature flag
    • added "async_std_runtime"
    • added "tokio_runtime"

Non-breaking changes

  • Removed Stream and Sink impl from the custom binary transport protocol Frame


  • Added Sink implementation for the custom binary transport protocol Frame


  • Modified traits CodecRead, CodecWrite, ServerCodec, ClientCodec to no longer return number of bytes written
  • The number of bytes written for header and body will be logged separately


  • Removed previously unused NoneError
  • Unified call, async_call and spawn_task for socket client and HTTP client. The call_http, async_call_http, and spawn_task_http methods are kept for compatibility.


  • Temporary fix of spawn_task() and spawn_task_http() with Arc<Mutex<_>> until lifetime with async task is figured out. As a result, Client no longer needs to be declared mut.


  • Updated documentation


  • Added actix-web feature flag to support integration with actix-web


  • Added serde_rmp features flag
  • Updated and corrected examples in the documentation


  • Added serde_cbor feature flag
  • Changed bincode feature flag to serde_bincode

Future Plan

The following items are in no particulars order.

  • improve logging message
  • support other I/O connection
  • more tests

License: MIT/Apache-2.0