spider_cli 1.7.14

Multithreaded web crawler written in Rust.
spider_cli-1.7.14 is not a library.

Spider CLI

crate version

Is a command line tool to utilize the spider.


On Linux

  • OpenSSL 1.0.1, 1.0.2, 1.1.0, or 1.1.1


The CLI is a binary so do not add it to your Cargo.toml file.

cargo install spider_cli


The following can also be ran via command line to run the crawler. Website args are optional except domain. If you need verbose output pass in the -v flag.

spider -v --domain https://choosealicense.com crawl

Crawl and output all links visited on finished to a file.

spider  --domain https://choosealicense.com crawl -o > spider_choosealicense.json

All website options are available except website.on_link_find_callback.