nostro2 0.1.23

Nostro2 is a simple toolset for interacting with the Nostr protocol.


This crate is our first approach at building simple Rust tools for interacting with the Nostr ecosystem.


The library provides class-based functionality through 3 basic types: UserKeys, Notes, and Relays.


The main data structures of Nostr, as defined by NIP-01. Implementations are split between Notes and SignedNotes, to allow for easy interoperability with external applications like NIP-07. Both structures have full serde serialization features and provide ready-to-send outputs for relay messages.


Can be created from a private key str and will allow you to sign Nostr Notes.

    let new_user = UserKeys::new("<64-bit hex string>");
    let mut unsigned_note = Note::new(
        "Hello World"
    unsigned_note.tag_note("t", "test");
    let signed_note = user_key_pair.sign_nostr_event(unsigned_note); // -> SignedNote
    // A note object can also be parsed by a NIP 07 client


Ready-to-go connection to a relay. WebSocket protocols are handled across reference counted threads to allow you to handle multiple relays with ease. RelayEvents provide easy pattern-matching for relay/client communication and error-handling.


You can pass any JSON filter to the subscribe function within a NostrRelay, following the filter protocol in NIP-01.

    // Open a connection
    let ws_connection = NostrRelay::new("").await.expect("Failed to connect");

    // Subscribe to a filter
        .expect("Failed to subscribe to relay!");

    // Send notes in an async manner
    ws_connection.send_note(signed_note).await.expect("Unable to send note");

    // Read the responses from the relay
    loop {
        if let Some(Ok(relay_msg)) = ws_connection.read_from_relay().await {
            match relay_msg {
                RelayEvents::EVENT(_event, _id, signed_note) => {
                    println!("Message received: {:?}", &signed_note);

                    // Extract the signed note info
                    let content = signed_note.get_content();
                    let specific_tags = signed_note.get_tags_by_id("a"); 
                RelayEvents::OK(_event, id, success, _msg) => {
                    println!("Message received: {} {}", id, success);
                RelayEvents::EOSE(_event, _sub) => println!("No more events"),
                RelayEvents::NOTICE(_event, notice) => println!("Relay says: {}", notice),

Nostr Authentication

The SignedNotes objects also provide a verification method for both content and signatures.

    assert_eq!(signed_note.verify(), true);


Run cargo add nostro2 to get the latest version.

You can also add nostro2 to your Cargo.toml dependencies:

nostro2 = "0.1.14"