linear_collections 0.2.2

Map and Set types backed by linear data structures.

Linear Collections

Map and Set types backed by linear data structures.

Many use cases of maps are for small collections where the penalties of a comparable data structure from std (memory overhead, hashing throughput, indirection and potential cache dislocality of a nonlinear data structure) are greater than their comparatively reduced algorithmic complexity.

This penalty usually is not great, however, a (small) amount of performance may be gained if allocating small such structures in a tight loop - say, deserializing the claims from a Json Web Token.


There exists another crate implementing linear collections (linear_map) however, it only supports collection backed by a vector: I personally needed Array types as well.

Future plans

I am likely going to add VecDeque types and will look into how serde supports fixed length collection types. They aren't in now as I don't immediately need them, but will be added:

  • A macro based alternative for ArrayMap::new_unchecked which will statically guarantee that array literals have no duplicate keys
  • Fallible allocating apis
  • VecDeque backed types (nice if you need a vecdeque to be returned from into_inner())
  • Serde support for Array types via serde-big-array (?)