hyprscratch 0.2.1

Scratchpad functionality for Hyprland
hyprscratch-0.2.1 is not a library.


A scratchpad utility for Hyprland


Using cargo (Make sure ~/.cargo/bin is in $PATH)

cargo install hyprscratch


In hyprland.conf:

exec-once = hyprscratch [OPTIONS]

bind = $MOD, $KEY, exec, ~/.cargo/bin/hyprscratch $WINDOW_TITLE "$HYPRLAND_EXEC_COMMAND" [OPTIONS]

For example:

bind = $mainNod, b, exec, ~/.cargo/bin/hyprscratch btop "[float;size 70% 80%;center] kitty -e btop"

You can use the stack option so that the new scratchpad doesn't hide the old one. If you like stacking scratchpads, there is a command hyprscratch hideall that you can call to hide all scratchpads. If you want a scratchpad to spawn on startup, you can add onstart as an option.

The scratchpads are just floating windows so by default they remain on the workspace they are spawned if not explicitly hidden. To hide them on workspace change add:

exec-once = ~/.cargo/bin/hyprscratch clean

To also hide when losing focus to a non-floating window:

exec-once = ~/.cargo/bin/hyprscratch clean spotless

You can use the shiny option to prevent a specific scratchpad from being cleaned on focus change. It is useful for graphical program where you would want to drag and drop.

Other Relevant information

If there are multiple scratchpads with the same initial title, the program just grabs the first one it finds.

Scratchpads don't have to be floating. This can also be used to just spawn a specific window, where the binding also hides it or grabs it from another workspace. Non-floating scratchpads don't get cleaned.

If you want a scratchpad centered properly, the center option needs to be last.

The program doesn't use Hyprland's special workspace, it uses workspace 42.