clappos 0.3.10

A simple, flagless version of Clap that uses argument position for assignment with zero dependencies



Clappos is a simple, flagless alternative to Clap for building clean, simple CLI tools.

Project status

This project is being actively developed and maintained by the Level9Turtles organization. For contribution information, or any other concerns/questions, please reach out to



Add the following to your Cargo.toml

clappos = "*"

or run

cargo add clappos

to get the latest version


use clappos::Clappos;

struct Args {
    /// help menu info for arg1
    string_arg: String,
    /// help menu info for arg2
    num_arg: i32,
    /// help menu info for arg3
    bool_arg: bool,
    /// help menu info for arg4
    op_string_arg: Option<String>,
    /// help menu info for arg5
    op_num_arg: Option<i32>

fn main() {
    let args = Args::parse(); // user input: `cargo run this 1 true that`
    println!("{}" args.string_arg); // => "this"
    println!("{}", args.num_arg); // => 1
    println!("{}", args.bool_arg); // => true
    println!("{}", args.op_string_arg); // => Some("that")
    println!("{}", args.op_num_arg); // => None

There is a trade-off for flagless CLI tools, which is that any optional arguments must come last, and a Some value cannot come after a None value when being used. In the future, I may add a feature to flag your optional arguments.

For now though, these examples are invalid:

struct Args {
    optional_number: Option<i32>,
    required_string: String,      // this won't work because require arg comes after optional arg

struct Args {
    string_arg: String,
    op_num1: Option<i32>,        // this is valid, but currently a user could not pass op_num2 
    op_num2: Option<i32>,        // without also passing an op_num1. May fix this with flags in the future

Authors and acknowledgment

This tool was written and is maintained by Adam Horn of the Level9Turtles High Altitude Lab. For questions and concerns please email me at


This project is licensed under the MIT open source license.