Sph2-rs 0.1.6

An improved version of Sph-rs, that uses a mod to calculate the desired values.
Sph2-rs-0.1.6 is not a library.


What is it

A new version of Sph-rs that uses a module.

Technical Badges



Use the following :

cargo run 2.25
>>> The perimeter of the circle is: 14.137166941154069
>>> The area of the circle is: 15.904312808798327
>>> The surface area of the sphere is: 63.61725123519331
>>> The volume of the sphere is: 47.71293842639498

Replace 2.25 with the wanted value.

You could also include "calcul.rs" as it is a mod and call it. For example :

let p = calcul::perimetre_cercle(rayon);
print!("Surface area of the circle is : {}", p);