Crate robotxt

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The implementation of the robots.txt (or URL exclusion) protocol in the Rust programming language with the support of crawl-delay, sitemap and universal * match extensions (according to the RFC specification).


  • parser to enable robotxt::{Robots}. Enabled by default.
  • builder to enable robotxt::{RobotsBuilder, GroupBuilder}. Enabled by default.
  • optimal to optimize overlapping and global rules, potentially improving matching speed at the cost of longer parsing times.
  • serde to enable serde::{Deserialize, Serialize} implementation, allowing the caching of related rules.


  • parse the most specific user-agent in the provided robots.txt file:
use robotxt::Robots;

fn main() {
    let txt = r#"
      User-Agent: foobot
      Disallow: *
      Allow: /example/
      Disallow: /example/nope.txt

    let r = Robots::from_bytes(txt.as_bytes(), "foobot");
  • build the new robots.txt file in a declarative manner:
use robotxt::RobotsBuilder;

fn main() -> Result<(), url::ParseError> {
    let txt = RobotsBuilder::default()
        .header("Robots.txt: Start")
        .group(["foobot"], |u| {
                .header("Rules for Foobot: Start")
                .footer("Rules for Foobot: End")
        .group(["barbot", "nombot"], |u| {
        .footer("Robots.txt: End");

    println!("{}", txt.to_string());




  • The single formatted user-agent group.
  • Robotsparser
    The set of directives related to the specific user-agent in the provided robots.txt file.
  • The set of formatted user-agent groups that can be written in the robots.txt compliant format.


  • The result of the robots.txt retrieval attempt.
  • Unrecoverable failure during robots.txt building or parsing.


  • ALL_UASparser
    All user agents group, used as a default for user-agents that don’t have an explicitly defined matching group.
  • Google currently enforces a robots.txt file size limit of 500 kibibytes (KiB). See How Google interprets Robots.txt.


Type Aliases§