Crate flo_stream[][src]

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flo_stream is a crate providing some extra utilities for streams in Rust’s futures library, in particular the ‘pubsub’ pattern.

The primary new feature is a “pubsub” mechanism - a way to subscribe to updates sent to a futures Sink. This differs from the Sender/Receiver mechanism provided in the main futures library in two key ways: it’s possible to have multiple receivers, and messages sent when there is no subscriber connected will be ignored.


The sink type provided is Publisher. You can create one with let publisher = Publisher::new(10). This implements the Sink trait so can be used in a very similar way to send messages. The number passed in is the maximum number of waiting messages allowed for any given subscriber.

A subscription can be created using let subscription = publisher.subscribe(). Any messages sent to the sink after this is called is relayed to all subscriptions. A subscription is a Stream so can interact with other parts of the futures library in the usual way.

Here’s a full worked example with a single subscriber.

let mut publisher       = Publisher::new(10);
let mut subscriber      = publisher.subscribe();
executor::block_on(async {
    assert!( == Some(1));
    assert!( == Some(2));
    assert!( == Some(3));


A blocking publisher is a publisher that blocks messages until it has enough subscribers

An ‘expiring’ publisher is one that responds to backpressure from its subscribers by expiring the most recent message.

A generator stream is a stream that runs a Future internally that generates multiple results, which are formatted as a stream. The stream is closed when the future terminates.

A message sender represents a reserved space for sending a message. Because the space is reserved, the message can be sent immediately

A publisher represents a sink that sends messages to zero or more subscribers

An implementation of the Sink trait that can be applied to publishers

A single publisher is a publisher that sends each message to only a single subscriber rather than all of them

The StreamPublisher struct sends a stream to a publisher. It implements the Future trait, and will return an empty value when the entire stream has been sent to the publisher.

Used to switch the stream for a corresponding SwitchingStream item

Represents a subscriber stream from a publisher sink

A stream that relays the results from a source stream, which can be switched out if necessary

A weak publisher republishes a Publisher only so long as that Publisher exists.


Trait that provides functions for publishing messages to subscribers

Provides a way to send the values generated by a stream to a publisher

Trait that turns publishers into sinks


Creates a new generator stream: this is a stream where the items are generated by a future, which can yield them to be returned by the stream via the function that’s passed in. This is useful for cases where a stream’s values are generated by complicated, stateful behaviour.

Returns a switching stream and its switch, set to initially read from the stream that’s passed in