Enum hedera::Status

source ·
pub enum Status {
Show 296 variants Ok = 0, InvalidTransaction = 1, PayerAccountNotFound = 2, InvalidNodeAccount = 3, TransactionExpired = 4, InvalidTransactionStart = 5, InvalidTransactionDuration = 6, InvalidSignature = 7, MemoTooLong = 8, InsufficientTxFee = 9, InsufficientPayerBalance = 10, DuplicateTransaction = 11, Busy = 12, NotSupported = 13, InvalidFileId = 14, InvalidAccountId = 15, InvalidContractId = 16, InvalidTransactionId = 17, ReceiptNotFound = 18, RecordNotFound = 19, InvalidSolidityId = 20, Unknown = 21, Success = 22, FailInvalid = 23, FailFee = 24, FailBalance = 25, KeyRequired = 26, BadEncoding = 27, InsufficientAccountBalance = 28, InvalidSolidityAddress = 29, InsufficientGas = 30, ContractSizeLimitExceeded = 31, LocalCallModificationException = 32, ContractRevertExecuted = 33, ContractExecutionException = 34, InvalidReceivingNodeAccount = 35, MissingQueryHeader = 36, AccountUpdateFailed = 37, InvalidKeyEncoding = 38, NullSolidityAddress = 39, ContractUpdateFailed = 40, InvalidQueryHeader = 41, InvalidFeeSubmitted = 42, InvalidPayerSignature = 43, KeyNotProvided = 44, InvalidExpirationTime = 45, NoWaclKey = 46, FileContentEmpty = 47, InvalidAccountAmounts = 48, EmptyTransactionBody = 49, InvalidTransactionBody = 50, InvalidSignatureTypeMismatchingKey = 51, InvalidSignatureCountMismatchingKey = 52, EmptyLiveHashBody = 53, EmptyLiveHash = 54, EmptyLiveHashKeys = 55, InvalidLiveHashSize = 56, EmptyQueryBody = 57, EmptyLiveHashQuery = 58, LiveHashNotFound = 59, AccountIdDoesNotExist = 60, LiveHashAlreadyExists = 61, InvalidFileWacl = 62, SerializationFailed = 63, TransactionOversize = 64, TransactionTooManyLayers = 65, ContractDeleted = 66, PlatformNotActive = 67, KeyPrefixMismatch = 68, PlatformTransactionNotCreated = 69, InvalidRenewalPeriod = 70, InvalidPayerAccountId = 71, AccountDeleted = 72, FileDeleted = 73, AccountRepeatedInAccountAmounts = 74, SettingNegativeAccountBalance = 75, ObtainerRequired = 76, ObtainerSameContractId = 77, ObtainerDoesNotExist = 78, ModifyingImmutableContract = 79, FileSystemException = 80, AutorenewDurationNotInRange = 81, ErrorDecodingBytestring = 82, ContractFileEmpty = 83, ContractBytecodeEmpty = 84, InvalidInitialBalance = 85, InvalidReceiveRecordThreshold = 86, InvalidSendRecordThreshold = 87, AccountIsNotGenesisAccount = 88, PayerAccountUnauthorized = 89, InvalidFreezeTransactionBody = 90, FreezeTransactionBodyNotFound = 91, TransferListSizeLimitExceeded = 92, ResultSizeLimitExceeded = 93, NotSpecialAccount = 94, ContractNegativeGas = 95, ContractNegativeValue = 96, InvalidFeeFile = 97, InvalidExchangeRateFile = 98, InsufficientLocalCallGas = 99, EntityNotAllowedToDelete = 100, AuthorizationFailed = 101, FileUploadedProtoInvalid = 102, FileUploadedProtoNotSavedToDisk = 103, FeeScheduleFilePartUploaded = 104, ExchangeRateChangeLimitExceeded = 105, MaxContractStorageExceeded = 106, TransferAccountSameAsDeleteAccount = 107, TotalLedgerBalanceInvalid = 108, ExpirationReductionNotAllowed = 110, MaxGasLimitExceeded = 111, MaxFileSizeExceeded = 112, ReceiverSigRequired = 113, InvalidTopicId = 150, InvalidAdminKey = 155, InvalidSubmitKey = 156, Unauthorized = 157, InvalidTopicMessage = 158, InvalidAutorenewAccount = 159, AutorenewAccountNotAllowed = 160, TopicExpired = 162, InvalidChunkNumber = 163, InvalidChunkTransactionId = 164, AccountFrozenForToken = 165, TokensPerAccountLimitExceeded = 166, InvalidTokenId = 167, InvalidTokenDecimals = 168, InvalidTokenInitialSupply = 169, InvalidTreasuryAccountForToken = 170, InvalidTokenSymbol = 171, TokenHasNoFreezeKey = 172, TransfersNotZeroSumForToken = 173, MissingTokenSymbol = 174, TokenSymbolTooLong = 175, AccountKycNotGrantedForToken = 176, TokenHasNoKycKey = 177, InsufficientTokenBalance = 178, TokenWasDeleted = 179, TokenHasNoSupplyKey = 180, TokenHasNoWipeKey = 181, InvalidTokenMintAmount = 182, InvalidTokenBurnAmount = 183, TokenNotAssociatedToAccount = 184, CannotWipeTokenTreasuryAccount = 185, InvalidKycKey = 186, InvalidWipeKey = 187, InvalidFreezeKey = 188, InvalidSupplyKey = 189, MissingTokenName = 190, TokenNameTooLong = 191, InvalidWipingAmount = 192, TokenIsImmutable = 193, TokenAlreadyAssociatedToAccount = 194, TransactionRequiresZeroTokenBalances = 195, AccountIsTreasury = 196, TokenIdRepeatedInTokenList = 197, TokenTransferListSizeLimitExceeded = 198, EmptyTokenTransferBody = 199, EmptyTokenTransferAccountAmounts = 200, InvalidScheduleId = 201, ScheduleIsImmutable = 202, InvalidSchedulePayerId = 203, InvalidScheduleAccountId = 204, NoNewValidSignatures = 205, UnresolvableRequiredSigners = 206, ScheduledTransactionNotInWhitelist = 207, SomeSignaturesWereInvalid = 208, TransactionIdFieldNotAllowed = 209, IdenticalScheduleAlreadyCreated = 210, InvalidZeroByteInString = 211, ScheduleAlreadyDeleted = 212, ScheduleAlreadyExecuted = 213, MessageSizeTooLarge = 214, OperationRepeatedInBucketGroups = 215, BucketCapacityOverflow = 216, NodeCapacityNotSufficientForOperation = 217, BucketHasNoThrottleGroups = 218, ThrottleGroupHasZeroOpsPerSec = 219, SuccessButMissingExpectedOperation = 220, UnparseableThrottleDefinitions = 221, InvalidThrottleDefinitions = 222, AccountExpiredAndPendingRemoval = 223, InvalidTokenMaxSupply = 224, InvalidTokenNftSerialNumber = 225, InvalidNftId = 226, MetadataTooLong = 227, BatchSizeLimitExceeded = 228, InvalidQueryRange = 229, FractionDividesByZero = 230, InsufficientPayerBalanceForCustomFee = 231, CustomFeesListTooLong = 232, InvalidCustomFeeCollector = 233, InvalidTokenIdInCustomFees = 234, TokenNotAssociatedToFeeCollector = 235, TokenMaxSupplyReached = 236, SenderDoesNotOwnNftSerialNo = 237, CustomFeeNotFullySpecified = 238, CustomFeeMustBePositive = 239, TokenHasNoFeeScheduleKey = 240, CustomFeeOutsideNumericRange = 241, RoyaltyFractionCannotExceedOne = 242, FractionalFeeMaxAmountLessThanMinAmount = 243, CustomScheduleAlreadyHasNoFees = 244, CustomFeeDenominationMustBeFungibleCommon = 245, CustomFractionalFeeOnlyAllowedForFungibleCommon = 246, InvalidCustomFeeScheduleKey = 247, InvalidTokenMintMetadata = 248, InvalidTokenBurnMetadata = 249, CurrentTreasuryStillOwnsNfts = 250, AccountStillOwnsNfts = 251, TreasuryMustOwnBurnedNft = 252, AccountDoesNotOwnWipedNft = 253, AccountAmountTransfersOnlyAllowedForFungibleCommon = 254, MaxNftsInPriceRegimeHaveBeenMinted = 255, PayerAccountDeleted = 256, CustomFeeChargingExceededMaxRecursionDepth = 257, CustomFeeChargingExceededMaxAccountAmounts = 258, InsufficientSenderAccountBalanceForCustomFee = 259, SerialNumberLimitReached = 260, CustomRoyaltyFeeOnlyAllowedForNonFungibleUnique = 261, NoRemainingAutomaticAssociations = 262, ExistingAutomaticAssociationsExceedGivenLimit = 263, RequestedNumAutomaticAssociationsExceedsAssociationLimit = 264, TokenIsPaused = 265, TokenHasNoPauseKey = 266, InvalidPauseKey = 267, FreezeUpdateFileDoesNotExist = 268, FreezeUpdateFileHashDoesNotMatch = 269, NoUpgradeHasBeenPrepared = 270, NoFreezeIsScheduled = 271, UpdateFileHashChangedSincePrepareUpgrade = 272, FreezeStartTimeMustBeFuture = 273, PreparedUpdateFileIsImmutable = 274, FreezeAlreadyScheduled = 275, FreezeUpgradeInProgress = 276, UpdateFileIdDoesNotMatchPrepared = 277, UpdateFileHashDoesNotMatchPrepared = 278, ConsensusGasExhausted = 279, RevertedSuccess = 280, MaxStorageInPriceRegimeHasBeenUsed = 281, InvalidAliasKey = 282, UnexpectedTokenDecimals = 283, InvalidProxyAccountId = 284, InvalidTransferAccountId = 285, InvalidFeeCollectorAccountId = 286, AliasIsImmutable = 287, SpenderAccountSameAsOwner = 288, AmountExceedsTokenMaxSupply = 289, NegativeAllowanceAmount = 290, CannotApproveForAllFungibleCommon = 291, SpenderDoesNotHaveAllowance = 292, AmountExceedsAllowance = 293, MaxAllowancesExceeded = 294, EmptyAllowances = 295, SpenderAccountRepeatedInAllowances = 296, RepeatedSerialNumsInNftAllowances = 297, FungibleTokenInNftAllowances = 298, NftInFungibleTokenAllowances = 299, InvalidAllowanceOwnerId = 300, InvalidAllowanceSpenderId = 301, RepeatedAllowancesToDelete = 302, InvalidDelegatingSpender = 303, DelegatingSpenderCannotGrantApproveForAll = 304, DelegatingSpenderDoesNotHaveApproveForAll = 305, ScheduleExpirationTimeTooFarInFuture = 306, ScheduleExpirationTimeMustBeHigherThanConsensusTime = 307, ScheduleFutureThrottleExceeded = 308, ScheduleFutureGasLimitExceeded = 309, InvalidEthereumTransaction = 310, WrongChainId = 311, WrongNonce = 312, AccessListUnsupported = 313, SchedulePendingExpiration = 314, ContractIsTokenTreasury = 315, ContractHasNonZeroTokenBalances = 316, ContractExpiredAndPendingRemoval = 317, ContractHasNoAutoRenewAccount = 318, PermanentRemovalRequiresSystemInitiation = 319, ProxyAccountIdFieldIsDeprecated = 320, SelfStakingIsNotAllowed = 321, InvalidStakingId = 322, StakingNotEnabled = 323, InvalidPrngRange = 324, MaxEntitiesInPriceRegimeHaveBeenCreated = 325, InvalidFullPrefixSignatureForPrecompile = 326, InsufficientBalancesForStorageRent = 327, MaxChildRecordsExceeded = 328, InsufficientBalancesForRenewalFees = 329, TransactionHasUnknownFields = 330, AccountIsImmutable = 331, AliasAlreadyAssigned = 332, InvalidMetadataKey = 333, TokenHasNoMetadataKey = 334, MissingTokenMetadata = 335, MissingSerialNumbers = 336, TokenHasNoAdminKey = 337,
Expand description

Returned in TransactionReceipt, Error::PreCheckStatus, and Error::ReceiptStatus.

The success variant is Success which is what a TransactionReceipt will contain for a successful transaction.

Variants (Non-exhaustive)§

This enum is marked as non-exhaustive
Non-exhaustive enums could have additional variants added in future. Therefore, when matching against variants of non-exhaustive enums, an extra wildcard arm must be added to account for any future variants.

Ok = 0

The transaction passed the precheck validations.


InvalidTransaction = 1

For any error not handled by specific error codes listed below.


PayerAccountNotFound = 2

Payer account does not exist.


InvalidNodeAccount = 3

Node Account provided does not match the node account of the node the transaction was submitted to.


TransactionExpired = 4

Pre-Check error when TransactionValidStart + transactionValidDuration is less than current consensus time.


InvalidTransactionStart = 5

Transaction start time is greater than current consensus time


InvalidTransactionDuration = 6

The given transactionValidDuration was either non-positive, or greater than the maximum valid duration of 180 secs.


InvalidSignature = 7

The transaction signature is not valid


MemoTooLong = 8

Transaction memo size exceeded 100 bytes


InsufficientTxFee = 9

The fee provided in the transaction is insufficient for this type of transaction


InsufficientPayerBalance = 10

The payer account has insufficient cryptocurrency to pay the transaction fee


DuplicateTransaction = 11

This transaction ID is a duplicate of one that was submitted to this node or reached consensus in the last 180 seconds (receipt period)


Busy = 12

If API is throttled out


NotSupported = 13

The API is not currently supported


InvalidFileId = 14

The file id is invalid or does not exist


InvalidAccountId = 15

The account id is invalid or does not exist


InvalidContractId = 16

The contract id is invalid or does not exist


InvalidTransactionId = 17

Transaction id is not valid


ReceiptNotFound = 18

Receipt for given transaction id does not exist


RecordNotFound = 19

Record for given transaction id does not exist


InvalidSolidityId = 20

The solidity id is invalid or entity with this solidity id does not exist


Unknown = 21

The responding node has submitted the transaction to the network. Its final status is still unknown.


Success = 22

The transaction succeeded


FailInvalid = 23

There was a system error and the transaction failed because of invalid request parameters.


FailFee = 24

There was a system error while performing fee calculation, reserved for future.


FailBalance = 25

There was a system error while performing balance checks, reserved for future.


KeyRequired = 26

Key not provided in the transaction body


BadEncoding = 27

Unsupported algorithm/encoding used for keys in the transaction


InsufficientAccountBalance = 28

When the account balance is not sufficient for the transfer


InvalidSolidityAddress = 29

During an update transaction when the system is not able to find the Users Solidity address


InsufficientGas = 30

Not enough gas was supplied to execute transaction


ContractSizeLimitExceeded = 31

contract byte code size is over the limit


LocalCallModificationException = 32

local execution (query) is requested for a function which changes state


ContractRevertExecuted = 33

Contract REVERT OPCODE executed


ContractExecutionException = 34

For any contract execution related error not handled by specific error codes listed above.


InvalidReceivingNodeAccount = 35

In Query validation, account with +ve(amount) value should be Receiving node account, the receiver account should be only one account in the list


MissingQueryHeader = 36

Header is missing in Query request


AccountUpdateFailed = 37

The update of the account failed


InvalidKeyEncoding = 38

Provided key encoding was not supported by the system


NullSolidityAddress = 39

null solidity address


ContractUpdateFailed = 40

update of the contract failed


InvalidQueryHeader = 41

the query header is invalid


InvalidFeeSubmitted = 42

Invalid fee submitted


InvalidPayerSignature = 43

Payer signature is invalid


KeyNotProvided = 44

The keys were not provided in the request.


InvalidExpirationTime = 45

Expiration time provided in the transaction was invalid.


NoWaclKey = 46

WriteAccess Control Keys are not provided for the file


FileContentEmpty = 47

The contents of file are provided as empty.


InvalidAccountAmounts = 48

The crypto transfer credit and debit do not sum equal to 0


EmptyTransactionBody = 49

Transaction body provided is empty


InvalidTransactionBody = 50

Invalid transaction body provided


InvalidSignatureTypeMismatchingKey = 51

the type of key (base ed25519 key, KeyList, or ThresholdKey) does not match the type of signature (base ed25519 signature, SignatureList, or ThresholdKeySignature)


InvalidSignatureCountMismatchingKey = 52

the number of key (KeyList, or ThresholdKey) does not match that of signature (SignatureList, or ThresholdKeySignature). e.g. if a keyList has 3 base keys, then the corresponding signatureList should also have 3 base signatures.


EmptyLiveHashBody = 53

the livehash body is empty


EmptyLiveHash = 54

the livehash data is missing


EmptyLiveHashKeys = 55

the keys for a livehash are missing


InvalidLiveHashSize = 56

the livehash data is not the output of a SHA-384 digest


EmptyQueryBody = 57

the query body is empty


EmptyLiveHashQuery = 58

the crypto livehash query is empty


LiveHashNotFound = 59

the livehash is not present


AccountIdDoesNotExist = 60

the account id passed has not yet been created.


LiveHashAlreadyExists = 61

the livehash already exists for a given account


InvalidFileWacl = 62

File WACL keys are invalid


SerializationFailed = 63

Serialization failure


TransactionOversize = 64

The size of the Transaction is greater than transactionMaxBytes


TransactionTooManyLayers = 65

The Transaction has more than 50 levels


ContractDeleted = 66

Contract is marked as deleted


PlatformNotActive = 67

the platform node is either disconnected or lagging behind.


KeyPrefixMismatch = 68

one public key matches more than one prefixes on the signature map


PlatformTransactionNotCreated = 69

transaction not created by platform due to large backlog


InvalidRenewalPeriod = 70

auto renewal period is not a positive number of seconds


InvalidPayerAccountId = 71

the response code when a smart contract id is passed for a crypto API request


AccountDeleted = 72

the account has been marked as deleted


FileDeleted = 73

the file has been marked as deleted


AccountRepeatedInAccountAmounts = 74

same accounts repeated in the transfer account list


SettingNegativeAccountBalance = 75

attempting to set negative balance value for crypto account


ObtainerRequired = 76

when deleting smart contract that has crypto balance either transfer account or transfer smart contract is required


ObtainerSameContractId = 77

when deleting smart contract that has crypto balance you can not use the same contract id as transferContractId as the one being deleted


ObtainerDoesNotExist = 78

transferAccountId or transferContractId specified for contract delete does not exist


ModifyingImmutableContract = 79

attempting to modify (update or delete a immutable smart contract, i.e. one created without a admin key)


FileSystemException = 80

Unexpected exception thrown by file system functions


AutorenewDurationNotInRange = 81



ErrorDecodingBytestring = 82

Decoding the smart contract binary to a byte array failed. Check that the input is a valid hex string.


ContractFileEmpty = 83

File to create a smart contract was of length zero


ContractBytecodeEmpty = 84

Bytecode for smart contract is of length zero


InvalidInitialBalance = 85

Attempt to set negative initial balance


InvalidReceiveRecordThreshold = 86

[Deprecated]. attempt to set negative receive record threshold


InvalidSendRecordThreshold = 87

[Deprecated]. attempt to set negative send record threshold


AccountIsNotGenesisAccount = 88

Special Account Operations should be performed by only Genesis account, return this code if it is not Genesis Account


PayerAccountUnauthorized = 89

The fee payer account doesn’t have permission to submit such Transaction


InvalidFreezeTransactionBody = 90

FreezeTransactionBody is invalid


FreezeTransactionBodyNotFound = 91

FreezeTransactionBody does not exist


TransferListSizeLimitExceeded = 92

Exceeded the number of accounts (both from and to) allowed for crypto transfer list


ResultSizeLimitExceeded = 93

Smart contract result size greater than specified maxResultSize


NotSpecialAccount = 94

The payer account is not a special account(account 0.0.55)


ContractNegativeGas = 95

Negative gas was offered in smart contract call


ContractNegativeValue = 96

Negative value / initial balance was specified in a smart contract call / create


InvalidFeeFile = 97

Failed to update fee file


InvalidExchangeRateFile = 98

Failed to update exchange rate file


InsufficientLocalCallGas = 99

Payment tendered for contract local call cannot cover both the fee and the gas


EntityNotAllowedToDelete = 100

Entities with Entity ID below 1000 are not allowed to be deleted


AuthorizationFailed = 101

Violating one of these rules: 1) treasury account can update all entities below 0.0.1000, 2) account 0.0.50 can update all entities from 0.0.51 - 0.0.80, 3) Network Function Master Account A/c 0.0.50 - Update all Network Function accounts & perform all the Network Functions listed below, 4) Network Function Accounts: i) A/c 0.0.55 - Update Address Book files (0.0.101/102), ii) A/c 0.0.56 - Update Fee schedule (0.0.111), iii) A/c 0.0.57 - Update Exchange Rate (0.0.112).


FileUploadedProtoInvalid = 102

Fee Schedule Proto uploaded but not valid (append or update is required)


FileUploadedProtoNotSavedToDisk = 103

Fee Schedule Proto uploaded but not valid (append or update is required)


FeeScheduleFilePartUploaded = 104

Fee Schedule Proto File Part uploaded


ExchangeRateChangeLimitExceeded = 105

The change on Exchange Rate exceeds Exchange_Rate_Allowed_Percentage


MaxContractStorageExceeded = 106

Contract permanent storage exceeded the currently allowable limit


TransferAccountSameAsDeleteAccount = 107

Transfer Account should not be same as Account to be deleted


TotalLedgerBalanceInvalid = 108


ExpirationReductionNotAllowed = 110

The expiration date/time on a smart contract may not be reduced


MaxGasLimitExceeded = 111

Gas exceeded currently allowable gas limit per transaction


MaxFileSizeExceeded = 112

File size exceeded the currently allowable limit


ReceiverSigRequired = 113

When a valid signature is not provided for operations on account with receiverSigRequired=true


InvalidTopicId = 150

The Topic ID specified is not in the system.


InvalidAdminKey = 155

A provided admin key was invalid. Verify the bytes for an Ed25519 public key are exactly 32 bytes; and the bytes for a compressed ECDSA(secp256k1) key are exactly 33 bytes, with the first byte either 0x02 or 0x03..


InvalidSubmitKey = 156

A provided submit key was invalid.


Unauthorized = 157

An attempted operation was not authorized (ie - a deleteTopic for a topic with no adminKey).


InvalidTopicMessage = 158

A ConsensusService message is empty.


InvalidAutorenewAccount = 159

The autoRenewAccount specified is not a valid, active account.


AutorenewAccountNotAllowed = 160

An adminKey was not specified on the topic, so there must not be an autoRenewAccount.


TopicExpired = 162

The topic has expired, was not automatically renewed, and is in a 7 day grace period before the topic will be deleted unrecoverably. This error response code will not be returned until autoRenew functionality is supported by HAPI.


InvalidChunkNumber = 163

chunk number must be from 1 to total (chunks) inclusive.


InvalidChunkTransactionId = 164

For every chunk, the payer account that is part of initialTransactionID must match the Payer Account of this transaction. The entire initialTransactionID should match the transactionID of the first chunk, but this is not checked or enforced by Hedera except when the chunk number is 1.


AccountFrozenForToken = 165

Account is frozen and cannot transact with the token


TokensPerAccountLimitExceeded = 166

An involved account already has more than tokens.maxPerAccount associations with non-deleted tokens.


InvalidTokenId = 167

The token is invalid or does not exist


InvalidTokenDecimals = 168

Invalid token decimals


InvalidTokenInitialSupply = 169

Invalid token initial supply


InvalidTreasuryAccountForToken = 170

Treasury Account does not exist or is deleted


InvalidTokenSymbol = 171

Token Symbol is not UTF-8 capitalized alphabetical string


TokenHasNoFreezeKey = 172

Freeze key is not set on token


TransfersNotZeroSumForToken = 173

Amounts in transfer list are not net zero


MissingTokenSymbol = 174

A token symbol was not provided


TokenSymbolTooLong = 175

The provided token symbol was too long


AccountKycNotGrantedForToken = 176

KYC must be granted and account does not have KYC granted


TokenHasNoKycKey = 177

KYC key is not set on token


InsufficientTokenBalance = 178

Token balance is not sufficient for the transaction


TokenWasDeleted = 179

Token transactions cannot be executed on deleted token


TokenHasNoSupplyKey = 180

Supply key is not set on token


TokenHasNoWipeKey = 181

Wipe key is not set on token


InvalidTokenMintAmount = 182

The requested token mint amount would cause an invalid total supply


InvalidTokenBurnAmount = 183

The requested token burn amount would cause an invalid total supply


TokenNotAssociatedToAccount = 184

A required token-account relationship is missing


CannotWipeTokenTreasuryAccount = 185

The target of a wipe operation was the token treasury account


InvalidKycKey = 186

The provided KYC key was invalid.


InvalidWipeKey = 187

The provided wipe key was invalid.


InvalidFreezeKey = 188

The provided freeze key was invalid.


InvalidSupplyKey = 189

The provided supply key was invalid.


MissingTokenName = 190

Token Name is not provided


TokenNameTooLong = 191

Token Name is too long


InvalidWipingAmount = 192

The provided wipe amount must not be negative, zero or bigger than the token holder balance


TokenIsImmutable = 193

Token does not have Admin key set, thus update/delete transactions cannot be performed


TokenAlreadyAssociatedToAccount = 194

An associateToken operation specified a token already associated to the account


TransactionRequiresZeroTokenBalances = 195

An attempted operation is invalid until all token balances for the target account are zero


AccountIsTreasury = 196

An attempted operation is invalid because the account is a treasury


TokenIdRepeatedInTokenList = 197

Same TokenIDs present in the token list


TokenTransferListSizeLimitExceeded = 198

Exceeded the number of token transfers (both from and to) allowed for token transfer list


EmptyTokenTransferBody = 199

TokenTransfersTransactionBody has no TokenTransferList


EmptyTokenTransferAccountAmounts = 200

TokenTransfersTransactionBody has a TokenTransferList with no AccountAmounts


InvalidScheduleId = 201

The Scheduled entity does not exist; or has now expired, been deleted, or been executed


ScheduleIsImmutable = 202

The Scheduled entity cannot be modified. Admin key not set


InvalidSchedulePayerId = 203

The provided Scheduled Payer does not exist


InvalidScheduleAccountId = 204

The Schedule Create Transaction TransactionID account does not exist


NoNewValidSignatures = 205

The provided sig map did not contain any new valid signatures from required signers of the scheduled transaction


UnresolvableRequiredSigners = 206

The required signers for a scheduled transaction cannot be resolved, for example because they do not exist or have been deleted


ScheduledTransactionNotInWhitelist = 207

Only whitelisted transaction types may be scheduled


SomeSignaturesWereInvalid = 208

At least one of the signatures in the provided sig map did not represent a valid signature for any required signer


TransactionIdFieldNotAllowed = 209

The scheduled field in the TransactionID may not be set to true


IdenticalScheduleAlreadyCreated = 210

A schedule already exists with the same identifying fields of an attempted ScheduleCreate (that is, all fields other than scheduledPayerAccountID)


InvalidZeroByteInString = 211

A string field in the transaction has a UTF-8 encoding with the prohibited zero byte


ScheduleAlreadyDeleted = 212

A schedule being signed or deleted has already been deleted


ScheduleAlreadyExecuted = 213

A schedule being signed or deleted has already been executed


MessageSizeTooLarge = 214

ConsensusSubmitMessage request’s message size is larger than allowed.


OperationRepeatedInBucketGroups = 215

An operation was assigned to more than one throttle group in a given bucket


BucketCapacityOverflow = 216

The capacity needed to satisfy all opsPerSec groups in a bucket overflowed a signed 8-byte integral type


NodeCapacityNotSufficientForOperation = 217

Given the network size in the address book, the node-level capacity for an operation would never be enough to accept a single request; usually means a bucket burstPeriod should be increased


BucketHasNoThrottleGroups = 218

A bucket was defined without any throttle groups


ThrottleGroupHasZeroOpsPerSec = 219

A throttle group was granted zero opsPerSec


SuccessButMissingExpectedOperation = 220

The throttle definitions file was updated, but some supported operations were not assigned a bucket


UnparseableThrottleDefinitions = 221

The new contents for the throttle definitions system file were not valid protobuf


InvalidThrottleDefinitions = 222

The new throttle definitions system file were invalid, and no more specific error could be divined


AccountExpiredAndPendingRemoval = 223

The transaction references an account which has passed its expiration without renewal funds available, and currently remains in the ledger only because of the grace period given to expired entities


InvalidTokenMaxSupply = 224

Invalid token max supply


InvalidTokenNftSerialNumber = 225

Invalid token nft serial number


InvalidNftId = 226

Invalid nft id


MetadataTooLong = 227

Nft metadata is too long


BatchSizeLimitExceeded = 228

Repeated operations count exceeds the limit


InvalidQueryRange = 229

The range of data to be gathered is out of the set boundaries


FractionDividesByZero = 230

A custom fractional fee set a denominator of zero


InsufficientPayerBalanceForCustomFee = 231

The transaction payer could not afford a custom fee


CustomFeesListTooLong = 232

More than 10 custom fees were specified


InvalidCustomFeeCollector = 233

Any of the feeCollector accounts for customFees is invalid


InvalidTokenIdInCustomFees = 234

Any of the token Ids in customFees is invalid


TokenNotAssociatedToFeeCollector = 235

Any of the token Ids in customFees are not associated to feeCollector


TokenMaxSupplyReached = 236

A token cannot have more units minted due to its configured supply ceiling


SenderDoesNotOwnNftSerialNo = 237

The transaction attempted to move an NFT serial number from an account other than its owner


CustomFeeNotFullySpecified = 238

A custom fee schedule entry did not specify either a fixed or fractional fee


CustomFeeMustBePositive = 239

Only positive fees may be assessed at this time


TokenHasNoFeeScheduleKey = 240

Fee schedule key is not set on token


CustomFeeOutsideNumericRange = 241

A fractional custom fee exceeded the range of a 64-bit signed integer


RoyaltyFractionCannotExceedOne = 242

A royalty cannot exceed the total fungible value exchanged for an NFT


FractionalFeeMaxAmountLessThanMinAmount = 243

Each fractional custom fee must have its maximum_amount, if specified, at least its minimum_amount


CustomScheduleAlreadyHasNoFees = 244

A fee schedule update tried to clear the custom fees from a token whose fee schedule was already empty


CustomFeeDenominationMustBeFungibleCommon = 245

Only tokens of type FUNGIBLE_COMMON can be used to as fee schedule denominations


CustomFractionalFeeOnlyAllowedForFungibleCommon = 246

Only tokens of type FUNGIBLE_COMMON can have fractional fees


InvalidCustomFeeScheduleKey = 247

The provided custom fee schedule key was invalid


InvalidTokenMintMetadata = 248

The requested token mint metadata was invalid


InvalidTokenBurnMetadata = 249

The requested token burn metadata was invalid


CurrentTreasuryStillOwnsNfts = 250

The treasury for a unique token cannot be changed until it owns no NFTs


AccountStillOwnsNfts = 251

An account cannot be dissociated from a unique token if it owns NFTs for the token


TreasuryMustOwnBurnedNft = 252

A NFT can only be burned when owned by the unique token’s treasury


AccountDoesNotOwnWipedNft = 253

An account did not own the NFT to be wiped


AccountAmountTransfersOnlyAllowedForFungibleCommon = 254

An AccountAmount token transfers list referenced a token type other than FUNGIBLE_COMMON


MaxNftsInPriceRegimeHaveBeenMinted = 255

All the NFTs allowed in the current price regime have already been minted


PayerAccountDeleted = 256

The payer account has been marked as deleted


CustomFeeChargingExceededMaxRecursionDepth = 257

The reference chain of custom fees for a transferred token exceeded the maximum length of 2


CustomFeeChargingExceededMaxAccountAmounts = 258

More than 20 balance adjustments were to satisfy a CryptoTransfer and its implied custom fee payments


InsufficientSenderAccountBalanceForCustomFee = 259

The sender account in the token transfer transaction could not afford a custom fee


SerialNumberLimitReached = 260

Currently no more than 4,294,967,295 NFTs may be minted for a given unique token type


CustomRoyaltyFeeOnlyAllowedForNonFungibleUnique = 261

Only tokens of type NON_FUNGIBLE_UNIQUE can have royalty fees


NoRemainingAutomaticAssociations = 262

The account has reached the limit on the automatic associations count.


ExistingAutomaticAssociationsExceedGivenLimit = 263

Already existing automatic associations are more than the new maximum automatic associations.


RequestedNumAutomaticAssociationsExceedsAssociationLimit = 264

Cannot set the number of automatic associations for an account more than the maximum allowed token associations tokens.maxPerAccount.


TokenIsPaused = 265

Token is paused. This Token cannot be a part of any kind of Transaction until unpaused.


TokenHasNoPauseKey = 266

Pause key is not set on token


InvalidPauseKey = 267

The provided pause key was invalid


FreezeUpdateFileDoesNotExist = 268

The update file in a freeze transaction body must exist.


FreezeUpdateFileHashDoesNotMatch = 269

The hash of the update file in a freeze transaction body must match the in-memory hash.


NoUpgradeHasBeenPrepared = 270

A FREEZE_UPGRADE transaction was handled with no previous update prepared.


NoFreezeIsScheduled = 271

A FREEZE_ABORT transaction was handled with no scheduled freeze.


UpdateFileHashChangedSincePrepareUpgrade = 272

The update file hash when handling a FREEZE_UPGRADE transaction differs from the file hash at the time of handling the PREPARE_UPGRADE transaction.


FreezeStartTimeMustBeFuture = 273

The given freeze start time was in the (consensus) past.


PreparedUpdateFileIsImmutable = 274

The prepared update file cannot be updated or appended until either the upgrade has been completed, or a FREEZE_ABORT has been handled.


FreezeAlreadyScheduled = 275

Once a freeze is scheduled, it must be aborted before any other type of freeze can can be performed.


FreezeUpgradeInProgress = 276

If an NMT upgrade has been prepared, the following operation must be a FREEZE_UPGRADE. (To issue a FREEZE_ONLY, submit a FREEZE_ABORT first.)


UpdateFileIdDoesNotMatchPrepared = 277

If an NMT upgrade has been prepared, the subsequent FREEZE_UPGRADE transaction must confirm the id of the file to be used in the upgrade.


UpdateFileHashDoesNotMatchPrepared = 278

If an NMT upgrade has been prepared, the subsequent FREEZE_UPGRADE transaction must confirm the hash of the file to be used in the upgrade.


ConsensusGasExhausted = 279

Consensus throttle did not allow execution of this transaction. System is throttled at consensus level.


RevertedSuccess = 280

A precompiled contract succeeded, but was later reverted.


MaxStorageInPriceRegimeHasBeenUsed = 281

All contract storage allocated to the current price regime has been consumed.


InvalidAliasKey = 282

An alias used in a CryptoTransfer transaction is not the serialization of a primitive Key message–that is, a Key with a single Ed25519 or ECDSA(secp256k1) public key and no unknown protobuf fields.


UnexpectedTokenDecimals = 283

A fungible token transfer expected a different number of decimals than the involved type actually has.


InvalidProxyAccountId = 284

[Deprecated] The proxy account id is invalid or does not exist.


InvalidTransferAccountId = 285

The transfer account id in CryptoDelete transaction is invalid or does not exist.


InvalidFeeCollectorAccountId = 286

The fee collector account id in TokenFeeScheduleUpdate is invalid or does not exist.


AliasIsImmutable = 287

The alias already set on an account cannot be updated using CryptoUpdate transaction.


SpenderAccountSameAsOwner = 288

An approved allowance specifies a spender account that is the same as the hbar/token owner account.


AmountExceedsTokenMaxSupply = 289

The establishment or adjustment of an approved allowance cause the token allowance to exceed the token maximum supply.


NegativeAllowanceAmount = 290

The specified amount for an approved allowance cannot be negative.


CannotApproveForAllFungibleCommon = 291

[Deprecated] The approveForAll flag cannot be set for a fungible token.


SpenderDoesNotHaveAllowance = 292

The spender does not have an existing approved allowance with the hbar/token owner.


AmountExceedsAllowance = 293

The transfer amount exceeds the current approved allowance for the spender account.


MaxAllowancesExceeded = 294

The payer account of an approveAllowances or adjustAllowance transaction is attempting to go beyond the maximum allowed number of allowances.


EmptyAllowances = 295

No allowances have been specified in the approval transaction.


SpenderAccountRepeatedInAllowances = 296

[Deprecated] Spender is repeated more than once in Crypto or Token or NFT allowance lists in a single CryptoApproveAllowance transaction.


RepeatedSerialNumsInNftAllowances = 297

[Deprecated] Serial numbers are repeated in nft allowance for a single spender account


FungibleTokenInNftAllowances = 298

Fungible common token used in NFT allowances


NftInFungibleTokenAllowances = 299

Non fungible token used in fungible token allowances


InvalidAllowanceOwnerId = 300

The account id specified as the owner is invalid or does not exist.


InvalidAllowanceSpenderId = 301

The account id specified as the spender is invalid or does not exist.


RepeatedAllowancesToDelete = 302

[Deprecated] If the CryptoDeleteAllowance transaction has repeated crypto or token or Nft allowances to delete.


InvalidDelegatingSpender = 303

If the account Id specified as the delegating spender is invalid or does not exist.


DelegatingSpenderCannotGrantApproveForAll = 304

The delegating Spender cannot grant approveForAll allowance on a NFT token type for another spender.


DelegatingSpenderDoesNotHaveApproveForAll = 305

The delegating Spender cannot grant allowance on a NFT serial for another spender as it doesnt not have approveForAll granted on token-owner.


ScheduleExpirationTimeTooFarInFuture = 306

The scheduled transaction could not be created because it’s expiration_time was too far in the future.


ScheduleExpirationTimeMustBeHigherThanConsensusTime = 307

The scheduled transaction could not be created because it’s expiration_time was less than or equal to the consensus time.


ScheduleFutureThrottleExceeded = 308

The scheduled transaction could not be created because it would cause throttles to be violated on the specified expiration_time.


ScheduleFutureGasLimitExceeded = 309

The scheduled transaction could not be created because it would cause the gas limit to be violated on the specified expiration_time.


InvalidEthereumTransaction = 310

The ethereum transaction either failed parsing or failed signature validation, or some other EthereumTransaction error not covered by another response code.


WrongChainId = 311

EthereumTransaction was signed against a chainId that this network does not support.


WrongNonce = 312

This transaction specified an ethereumNonce that is not the current ethereumNonce of the account.


AccessListUnsupported = 313

The ethereum transaction specified an access list, which the network does not support.


SchedulePendingExpiration = 314

A schedule being signed or deleted has passed it’s expiration date and is pending execution if needed and then expiration.


ContractIsTokenTreasury = 315

A selfdestruct or ContractDelete targeted a contract that is a token treasury.


ContractHasNonZeroTokenBalances = 316

A selfdestruct or ContractDelete targeted a contract with non-zero token balances.


ContractExpiredAndPendingRemoval = 317

A contract referenced by a transaction is “detached”; that is, expired and lacking any hbar funds for auto-renewal payment—but still within its post-expiry grace period.


ContractHasNoAutoRenewAccount = 318

A ContractUpdate requested removal of a contract’s auto-renew account, but that contract has no auto-renew account.


PermanentRemovalRequiresSystemInitiation = 319

A delete transaction submitted via HAPI set permanent_removal=true


ProxyAccountIdFieldIsDeprecated = 320

A CryptoCreate or ContractCreate used the deprecated proxyAccountID field.


SelfStakingIsNotAllowed = 321

An account set the staked_account_id to itself in CryptoUpdate or ContractUpdate transactions.


InvalidStakingId = 322

The staking account id or staking node id given is invalid or does not exist.


StakingNotEnabled = 323

Native staking, while implemented, has not yet enabled by the council.


InvalidPrngRange = 324

The range provided in UtilPrng transaction is negative.


MaxEntitiesInPriceRegimeHaveBeenCreated = 325

The maximum number of entities allowed in the current price regime have been created.


InvalidFullPrefixSignatureForPrecompile = 326

The full prefix signature for precompile is not valid


InsufficientBalancesForStorageRent = 327

The combined balances of a contract and its auto-renew account (if any) did not cover the rent charged for net new storage used in a transaction.


MaxChildRecordsExceeded = 328

A contract transaction tried to use more than the allowed number of child records, via either system contract records or internal contract creations.


InsufficientBalancesForRenewalFees = 329

The combined balances of a contract and its auto-renew account (if any) or balance of an account did not cover the auto-renewal fees in a transaction.


TransactionHasUnknownFields = 330

A transaction’s protobuf message includes unknown fields; could mean that a client expects not-yet-released functionality to be available.


AccountIsImmutable = 331

The account cannot be modified. Account’s key is not set


AliasAlreadyAssigned = 332

An alias that is assigned to an account or contract cannot be assigned to another account or contract.


InvalidMetadataKey = 333

A provided metadata key was invalid. Verification includes, for example, checking the size of Ed25519 and ECDSA(secp256k1) public keys.


TokenHasNoMetadataKey = 334

Metadata key is not set on token


MissingTokenMetadata = 335

Token Metadata is not provided


MissingSerialNumbers = 336

NFT serial numbers are missing in the TokenUpdateNftsTransactionBody


TokenHasNoAdminKey = 337

Admin key is not set on token



impl ResponseCodeEnum


pub fn is_valid(value: i32) -> bool

Returns true if value is a variant of ResponseCodeEnum.


pub fn from_i32(value: i32) -> Option<ResponseCodeEnum>

👎Deprecated: Use the TryFrom<i32> implementation instead

Converts an i32 to a ResponseCodeEnum, or None if value is not a valid variant.


impl ResponseCodeEnum


pub fn as_str_name(&self) -> &'static str

String value of the enum field names used in the ProtoBuf definition.

The values are not transformed in any way and thus are considered stable (if the ProtoBuf definition does not change) and safe for programmatic use.


pub fn from_str_name(value: &str) -> Option<ResponseCodeEnum>

Creates an enum from field names used in the ProtoBuf definition.

Trait Implementations§


impl Clone for ResponseCodeEnum


fn clone(&self) -> ResponseCodeEnum

Returns a copy of the value. Read more
1.0.0 · source§

fn clone_from(&mut self, source: &Self)

Performs copy-assignment from source. Read more

impl Debug for ResponseCodeEnum


fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result<(), Error>

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more

impl Default for ResponseCodeEnum


fn default() -> ResponseCodeEnum

Returns the “default value” for a type. Read more

impl Hash for ResponseCodeEnum


fn hash<__H>(&self, state: &mut __H)
where __H: Hasher,

Feeds this value into the given Hasher. Read more
1.3.0 · source§

fn hash_slice<H>(data: &[Self], state: &mut H)
where H: Hasher, Self: Sized,

Feeds a slice of this type into the given Hasher. Read more

impl Ord for ResponseCodeEnum


fn cmp(&self, other: &ResponseCodeEnum) -> Ordering

This method returns an Ordering between self and other. Read more
1.21.0 · source§

fn max(self, other: Self) -> Self
where Self: Sized,

Compares and returns the maximum of two values. Read more
1.21.0 · source§

fn min(self, other: Self) -> Self
where Self: Sized,

Compares and returns the minimum of two values. Read more
1.50.0 · source§

fn clamp(self, min: Self, max: Self) -> Self
where Self: Sized + PartialOrd,

Restrict a value to a certain interval. Read more

impl PartialEq for ResponseCodeEnum


fn eq(&self, other: &ResponseCodeEnum) -> bool

This method tests for self and other values to be equal, and is used by ==.
1.0.0 · source§

fn ne(&self, other: &Rhs) -> bool

This method tests for !=. The default implementation is almost always sufficient, and should not be overridden without very good reason.

impl PartialOrd for ResponseCodeEnum


fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &ResponseCodeEnum) -> Option<Ordering>

This method returns an ordering between self and other values if one exists. Read more
1.0.0 · source§

fn lt(&self, other: &Rhs) -> bool

This method tests less than (for self and other) and is used by the < operator. Read more
1.0.0 · source§

fn le(&self, other: &Rhs) -> bool

This method tests less than or equal to (for self and other) and is used by the <= operator. Read more
1.0.0 · source§

fn gt(&self, other: &Rhs) -> bool

This method tests greater than (for self and other) and is used by the > operator. Read more
1.0.0 · source§

fn ge(&self, other: &Rhs) -> bool

This method tests greater than or equal to (for self and other) and is used by the >= operator. Read more

impl TryFrom<i32> for ResponseCodeEnum


type Error = DecodeError

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_from(value: i32) -> Result<ResponseCodeEnum, DecodeError>

Performs the conversion.

impl Copy for ResponseCodeEnum


impl Eq for ResponseCodeEnum


impl StructuralPartialEq for ResponseCodeEnum

Auto Trait Implementations§

Blanket Implementations§


impl<T> Any for T
where T: 'static + ?Sized,


fn type_id(&self) -> TypeId

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow(&self) -> &T

Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T

Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<Q, K> Comparable<K> for Q
where Q: Ord + ?Sized, K: Borrow<Q> + ?Sized,


fn compare(&self, key: &K) -> Ordering

Compare self to key and return their ordering.

impl<Q, K> Equivalent<K> for Q
where Q: Eq + ?Sized, K: Borrow<Q> + ?Sized,


fn equivalent(&self, key: &K) -> bool

Compare self to key and return true if they are equal.

impl<Q, K> Equivalent<K> for Q
where Q: Eq + ?Sized, K: Borrow<Q> + ?Sized,


fn equivalent(&self, key: &K) -> bool

Checks if this value is equivalent to the given key. Read more

impl<Q, K> Equivalent<K> for Q
where Q: Eq + ?Sized, K: Borrow<Q> + ?Sized,


fn equivalent(&self, key: &K) -> bool

Compare self to key and return true if they are equal.

impl<T> From<T> for T


fn from(t: T) -> T

Returns the argument unchanged.


impl<T> FromRef<T> for T
where T: Clone,


fn from_ref(input: &T) -> T

Converts to this type from a reference to the input type.

impl<T> Instrument for T


fn instrument(self, span: Span) -> Instrumented<Self>

Instruments this type with the provided Span, returning an Instrumented wrapper. Read more

fn in_current_span(self) -> Instrumented<Self>

Instruments this type with the current Span, returning an Instrumented wrapper. Read more

impl<T, U> Into<U> for T
where U: From<T>,


fn into(self) -> U

Calls U::from(self).

That is, this conversion is whatever the implementation of From<T> for U chooses to do.


impl<T> IntoRequest<T> for T


fn into_request(self) -> Request<T>

Wrap the input message T in a tonic::Request

impl<T> Same for T


type Output = T

Should always be Self

impl<T> ToOwned for T
where T: Clone,


type Owned = T

The resulting type after obtaining ownership.

fn to_owned(&self) -> T

Creates owned data from borrowed data, usually by cloning. Read more

fn clone_into(&self, target: &mut T)

Uses borrowed data to replace owned data, usually by cloning. Read more

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T
where U: Into<T>,


type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_from(value: U) -> Result<T, <T as TryFrom<U>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T
where U: TryFrom<T>,


type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_into(self) -> Result<U, <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<V, T> VZip<V> for T
where V: MultiLane<T>,


fn vzip(self) -> V


impl<T> WithSubscriber for T


fn with_subscriber<S>(self, subscriber: S) -> WithDispatch<Self>
where S: Into<Dispatch>,

Attaches the provided Subscriber to this type, returning a WithDispatch wrapper. Read more

fn with_current_subscriber(self) -> WithDispatch<Self>

Attaches the current default Subscriber to this type, returning a WithDispatch wrapper. Read more