Crate zuck

Expand description
  • Parse human-readable strings like 15 years 5 weeks 2 hours or 28m15s10ns into zuck::Duration.
  • Normalize the input via zuck::Duration.normalize() method.
  • Convert zuck::Duration back into human-readable string.
  • You can also convert from and into std::time::Duration.

§Aliases that can be used as input for parsing

  • Nanoseconds: ns, nsec, nsecs, nanosec, nanosecs, nanosecond, nanoseconds
  • Microseconds: μs, us, usec, usecs, microsec, microsecs, microsecond, microseconds
  • Milliseconds: ms, msec, msecs, millisecond, milliseconds
  • Seconds: s, sec, secs, second, seconds
  • Minutes: m, min, mins, minute, minutes
  • Hours: h, hr, hrs, hour, hours
  • Days: d, day, days
  • Weeks: w, wk, wks, week, weeks
  • Months: mo, month, months
  • Years: y, yr, yrs, year, years



