Module zk_paillier::zkproofs

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This proof shows that a paillier ciphertext was constructed correctly
Witness Indistinguishable Proof of knowledge of discrete log with composite modulus.
Zero-knowledge proof of co-primality between the encryption modulus and its order.
In the case that the message space size is small (a message can be only one of a few possibilities ), it is possible to create a “ring” like structure that proves that the encrypted value is a message from the message space without revealing the message. reference:
This proof is a non-interactive version of Multiplication-mod-n^s protocol taken from DJ01 [ ]
This protocol is based on the NIZK protocol in for parameters = e = N, m2 = 11, alpha = 6370 see 6.2.3 for full details.
Zero-knowledge range proof that a value x<q/3 lies in interval [0,q].
Zero-knowledge range proof that a value x<q/3 lies in interval [0,q].
A sigma protocol to allow a prover to demonstrate that a ciphertext c_x has been computed using two other ciphertexts c_cprime, as well as a known value.
The proof allows a prover to prove that a ciphertext is an encryption of zero.


salt string “kzen” as system parameter, which is hashed to 256 bit


Verify correct opening of ciphertext.
