[−][src]Crate ziptree
Tarjan's zip tree implementation in Rust.
Zip tree is a treap with different insertion and deletion algorithms. It organizes node ranks like skip list, but takes less space than skip list. Insertion and deletion are done by zip and unzip operations instead of a series of tree rotations. You can see Tarjans's paper for more details.
IntoIter | The struct is created by ZipTree::into_iter(). |
Iter | The struct is created by ZipTree::iter(). |
IterMut | The struct is created by ZipTree::iter_mut(). |
Keys | The struct is created by ZipTree::keys(). |
Values | The struct is created by ZipTree::values(). |
ValuesMut | The struct is created by ZipTree::values_mut(). |
ZipTree | Tarjan's zip tree implementation. |