Crate zino

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zino is a next-generation framework for composable applications in Rust which emphasizes simplicity, extensibility and productivity.


  • 🚀 Out-of-the-box features for rapid application development.
  • 🎨 Minimal design, composable architecture and high-level abstractions.
  • 🌐 Adopt an API-first approch to development with open standards.
  • ⚡ Embrace practical conventions to get the best performance.
  • 💎 Highly optimized ORM for MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite based on sqlx.
  • ✨ Innovations on query population, field translation and model hooks.
  • 📅 Lightweight scheduler for sync and async cron jobs.
  • 💠 Unified access to storage services, data sources and chatbots.
  • 📊 Built-in support for tracing, metrics and logging.
  • 💖 Full integrations with actix-web, axum and dioxus.

§Getting started

You can start with the example actix-app, axum-app or dioxus-desktop.

Here is the simplest application to run a server:

name = "zino-app"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"

zino = { version = "0.19", features = ["axum"] }
use zino::prelude::*;

fn main() {

§Feature flags

The following optional features are available:

actixEnables the integration with actix-web.No
axumEnables the integration with axum.No
dioxusEnables the integration with dioxus.No
ormEnables the ORM for MySQL, PostgreSQL or SQLite.No



Type Aliases§

  • HTTP server cluster for axum.
  • A specialized request extractor for axum.
  • A specialized response for axum.
  • A specialized Result type for axum.