zino 0.15.0

Next-generation framework for composable applications in Rust.
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zino is a next-generation framework for composable applications in Rust which emphasizes simplicity, extensibility and productivity.


  • 🚀 Out-of-the-box features for rapid application development.
  • 🎨 Minimal design, composable architecture and high-level abstractions.
  • 🌐 Adopt an API-first approch to development with open standards.
  • ⚡ Embrace practical conventions to get the best performance.
  • 💎 Highly optimized ORM for MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite based on sqlx.
  • ✨ Innovations on query population, field translation and model hooks.
  • 📅 Lightweight scheduler for sync and async cron jobs.
  • 💠 Unified access to storage services, data sources and chatbots.
  • 📊 Built-in support for tracing, metrics and logging.
  • 💖 Full integrations with actix-web, axum and dioxus.

Getting started

You can start with the example actix-app, axum-app or dioxus-desktop.

Feature flags

The following optional features are available:

Name Description Default?
actix Enables the integration with actix-web. No
axum Enables the integration with axum. No
dioxus Enables the integration with dioxus. No
orm Enables the ORM for MySQL, PostgreSQL or SQLite. Yes
view Enables the HTML template rendering. Yes