[][src]Macro zerogc::safepoint_recurse

macro_rules! safepoint_recurse {
    ($context:ident, |$sub_context:ident, $new_root:ident| $closure:expr) => { ... };
    ($context:ident, $root:expr, |$sub_context:ident, $new_root:ident| $closure:expr) => { ... };
    ($context:ident, $root:expr, @managed_result, |$sub_context:ident, $new_root:ident| $closure:expr) => { ... };

Invoke the closure with a temporary GcContext, then perform a safepoint afterwards.

Normally returns a tuple ($updated_root, $closure_result).

If a value is provided it is considered as a root of garbage collection both for the safepoint and the duration of the entire context.


This macro is completely safe, although it expands to unsafe code internally.