var searchIndex = {}; searchIndex["zero"] = {"doc":"Functions for reading binary data into Rust data structures. All functions\nare zero-allocation.","items":[[3,"StrReaderIterator","zero","Iterates over ``, yielding strings (null-terminated in ``).\nSee `read_strs_to_null`.",null,null],[5,"read","","Reads a single `T` from `input`.",null,null],[5,"read_array","","Read an array of `T`s from input.",null,null],[5,"read_str","","Read a string from `input`. The string must be a null-termianted utf8 string.\nNote that an ascii C string fulfils this requirement.",null,null],[5,"read_strs_to_null","","Returns an iterator which will return a sequence of strings from `input`.\nEach string must be a null-terminated utf8 string. The sequence of strings\nis terminated either by a second null byte, or the end of input.",null,null],[5,"read_unsafe","","Reads a `T` from `input` with no checks.",null,null],[5,"read_array_unsafe","","Reads an array of `T`s from `input` with no checks.",null,null],[5,"read_str_unsafe","","Reads a null-terminated string from `input` with no checks.",null,null],[8,"Pod","","Implementing this trait means that the concrete type is plain old data (POD).\nPrecisely, by implementing `Pod` the programmer asserts that it is safe to\nread the type from binary slices provided to `read`, etc.",null,null],[11,"next","","",0,null],[11,"size_hint","","",0,null]],"paths":[[3,"StrReaderIterator"]]}; initSearch(searchIndex);