Crate zenoh_macros

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This crate is intended for Zenoh’s internal use.

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  • Equivalent to keyexpr::new, but the check is run at compile-time and will throw a compile error in case of failure.
  • Create format modules from a format specification.
  • Write a set of values into a Formatter and then builds it into an OwnedKeyExpr, stopping as soon as a value doesn’t fit the specification for its field.
  • Write a set of values into a Formatter, stopping as soon as a value doesn’t fit the specification for its field. Contrary to keformat doesn’t build the Formatter into a Key Expression.

Attribute Macros§

  • Adds a #[cfg(feature = "internal")] and #[doc(hidden)] attributes to the item.
  • Macro #[internal_trait] should precede impl Trait for Struct { ... }
  • Adds a #[cfg(feature = "unstable")] attribute to the item and appends piece of documentation about the item being unstable.
  • Adds only piece of documentation about the item being unstable but no unstable attribute itself. This is useful when the whole crate is supposed to be used in unstable mode only, it makes sense to mention it in dcoumentation for the crate items, but not to add #[cfg(feature = "unstable")] to every item.

Derive Macros§

  • Make the underlying struct Param be generic over any T satisfying a generated trait DefaultParam { fn param() -> Param; }
  • Register the input Enum with the struct Param specified in the param attribute