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Functions for querying information in the wallet database.

These functions should generally not be used directly; instead, their functionality is available via the WalletRead and WalletWrite traits.


The wallet database exposes the following views as part of its public API:


This view exposes the history of transactions that affect the balance of each account in the wallet. A transaction may be represented by multiple rows in this view, one for each account in the wallet that contributes funds to or receives funds from the transaction in question. Each row of the view contains:

  • account_balance_delta: the net effect of the transaction on the associated account’s balance. This value is positive when funds are received by the account, and negative when the balance of the account decreases due to a spend.
  • fee_paid: the total fee paid to send the transaction, as a positive value. This fee is associated with the transaction (similar to e.g. txid or mined_height), and not with any specific account involved with that transaction. ` If multiple rows exist for a single transaction, this fee amount will be repeated for each such row. Therefore, if more than one of the wallet’s accounts is involved with the transaction, this fee should be considered only once in determining the total value sent from the wallet as a whole.

Seed Phrase with Single Account

In the case that the seed phrase for in this wallet has only been used to create a single account, this view will contain one row per transaction, in the case that account_balance_delta is negative, it is usually safe to add fee_paid back to the account_balance_delta value to determine the amount sent to addresses outside the wallet.

Seed Phrase with Multiple Accounts

In the case that the seed phrase for in this wallet has been used to create multiple accounts, this view may contain multiple rows per transaction, one for each account involved. In this case, the total amount sent to addresses outside the wallet can usually be calculated by grouping rows by id_tx and then using SUM(account_balance_delta) + MAX(fee_paid).

Imported Seed Phrases

If a seed phrase is imported, and not every account associated with it is loaded into the wallet, this view may show partial information about some transactions. In particular, any computation that involves both account_balance_delta and fee_paid is likely to be inaccurate.


This view exposes the history of transaction outputs received by and sent from the wallet, keyed by transaction ID, pool type, and output index. The contents of this view are useful for producing a detailed report of the effects of a transaction. Each row of this view contains:

  • from_account for sent outputs, the account from which the value was sent.
  • to_account in the case that the output was received by an account in the wallet, the identifier for the account receiving the funds.
  • to_address the address to which an output was sent, or the address at which value was received in the case of received transparent funds.
  • value the value of the output. This is always a positive number, for both sent and received outputs.
  • is_change a boolean flag indicating whether this is a change output belonging to the wallet.
  • memo the shielded memo associated with the output, if any.
