Expand description

Objects within the YubiHSM 2 (keys, certificates, or other opaque data)

For more information, see: https://developers.yubico.com/YubiHSM2/Concepts/Object.html


The YubiHSM 2 doesnt’ have a unified put object command, however all of the put object commands share a common structure, i.e. object::import::Params


Brief information about an object as included in ListObjectsCommand

Objects in the HSM are keyed by a tuple of their type an object::Id (i.e. multiple objects of different types can have the same object::Id)

Information about an object

Labels attached to objects


Kinds of Object-related errors

Filters to apply when listing objects

Information about how a key was originally generated

Types of objects


Number of bytes in a label on an object (fixed-size)

Type Definitions

Object-related errors

Object identifiers

Sequence identifiers: number of times an object with a given ID has been created in this YubiHSM (with all previous versions having been deleted)