Module yata::methods[][src]

Expand description

Commonly used methods for manipulating timeseries. Every method implements Method trait.

To create a method instance use Method::new. To get new output value over the input value use Method::next.

// creating Weighted Moving Average of length `5`
use yata::prelude::*;
use yata::methods::WMA;

let mut wma = WMA::new(5, &20.0).unwrap();

let input_value = &34.51;
let output_value =;


use yata::prelude::*;
use yata::methods::SMA;

let mut sma = SMA::new(3, &5.0).unwrap();;;
assert_eq!(, 5.0);
assert_eq!(, 4.0);
assert_eq!(, 2.0);


Renko implementation entities


Accumulation Distribution Index of specified length for timeseries of OHLCV

Commodity channel index of specified length for time series of type ValueType

Converting between different timeframes.

Convolution Moving Average with specified weights for timeseries of ValueType.

Searches for two timeseries lines of type ValueType cross each other.

Searches for value timeseries line crosses base line upwards

Searches for value timeseries line crosses base line downwards

Double Exponential Moving Average of specified length for timeseries of type ValueType

Simple shortcut for EMA over EMA

Derivative of specified window length for timeseries of ValueType

Exponential Moving Average of specified length for timeseries of type ValueType

Hull Moving Average for last length values for timeseries of type ValueType

Converts default OHLCVs into Heikin Ashi OHLCVs

Returns highest value over the last length values for timeseries of type ValueType

Returns highest value index over the last length values for timeseries of type ValueType

Calculates absolute difference between highest and lowest values over the last length values for timeseries of type ValueType

Integrates (summarizes) ValueType values for the given window size length

Linear regression moving average for last length values of timeseries of type ValueType

Calculate moving linear volatility for last length values of type ValueType

Searches for lower reversal points over last left+right+1 values of type ValueType

Returns lowest value over the last length values for timeseries of type ValueType

Returns lowest value index over the last length values for timeseries of type ValueType

Mean absolute deviation of specified length for timeseries of type ValueType

Median absolute deviation of specified length for timeseries of type ValueType

Momentum calculates difference between current value and n-th value back, where n = length

Moves timeseries by length items forward

Running Moving Average of specified length for timeseries of type ValueType

Rate of change calculates relative difference between current value and n-th value back, where n = length

Converts timeseries to Renko timeseries

Searches for reversal points over last left+right+1 values of type ValueType

Simple Moving Average of specified length for timeseries of type ValueType

Simple Moving Median of specified length for timeseries of type ValueType

Symmetrically Weighted Moving Average of specified length for timeseries of ValueType.

Moving Standard Deviation over the window of size length for timeseries of type ValueType

Triple Exponential Moving Average of specified length for timeseries of type ValueType

Simple shortcut for EMA over EMA over EMA (or EMA over DMA, or DMA over EMA)

Triangular Moving Average of specified length for timeseries of type ValueType

True Strength Index of specified short period and long period for timeseries of type ValueType

Searches for upper reversal points over last left+right+1 values of type ValueType

Volume Weighed Moving Average of specified length for timeseries of type (ValueType, ValueType) which represents pair of values (value, volume)

Variable Index Dynamic Average of specified length for timeseries of type ValueType

Weighted Moving Average of specified length for timeseries of type ValueType.

Wilder’s Smoothing Average of specified length for timeseries of type ValueType

Type Definitions

Just an alias for Momentum method

Just an alias for Derivative

Just an alias for LinReg.

Just an alias for RMA

Just an alias for Momentum method

Just an alias for RateOfChange method

Just an alias for RMA

Just an alias for Integral