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§Yet Another Password Prompt Version

A library for reading passwords from the user.

This library provides a PasswordReader trait for reading passwords from the user, and IsInteractive trait for checking if terminal is attended by the user or e.g. ran as a background service. It includes a default implementation of the PasswordReader and IsInteractive traits, Yapp, which can read passwords from an interactive terminal or from standard input. The library also includes a new function for creating a new PasswordReader + IsInteractive instance.


  • Reads user passwords from the input, optionally with a prompt and echoing replacement symbols (*, or another of your choice).
  • Reads passwords interactively or non-interactively (e.g. when input is redirected through a pipe).
  • Using the PasswordReader (optionally PasswordReader + IsInteractive) trait in your code allows for mocking the entire library in tests (see an example1 and example2)
  • Thanks to using the console library underneath, it handles unicode correctly (tested on Windows and Linux).

§Usage Example

use yapp::PasswordReader;

fn my_func<P: PasswordReader>(yapp: &mut P) {
    let password = yapp.read_password_with_prompt("Type your password: ").unwrap();
    println!("You typed: {password}");

fn main() {
    let mut yapp = yapp::new().with_echo_symbol('*');
    my_func(&mut yapp);

The yapp::new() function returns an instance of PasswordReader + IsInteractive traits. Alternatively, instantiate with yapp::Yapp::default() to use the concrete struct type.

See examples for more.


  • An implementation of the PasswordReader trait.



  • Creates a new password reader. Returns an instance of PasswordReader trait.