This is supported on crate feature serde only.
Expand description

The implementation of serialization. The technique is come from serde.

Here is an example for converting YAML data into a custom structure.

use serde::Deserialize;
use yaml_peg::node;

struct Member {
    name: String,
    married: bool,
    age: u8,

let n = node!({
    "name" => "Bob",
    "married" => true,
    "age" => 46,
let officer = Member::deserialize(n).unwrap();
assert_eq!(46, officer.age);

At least you should enable the serde/derive and serde/alloc features to run the example. The serde/derive feature provides derive macro for the custom data, and if serde/alloc is not used, you cannot deserialize alloc::string::String or alloc::vec::Vec type.

For converting custom data into YAML data, please see to_node and to_arc_node, and if you went to parse / dump YAML document, use from_str and to_string.


If the data supports anchor insertion, please see crate::Anchor::resolve and crate::Node::replace_anchor.

The anchor should be resolve before serialization. crate::Yaml::Alias is not support serialization.

Mixed String Type

If the data needs to deserialized from any type into string, please see Stringify type.

Mixed Listed Map

If the data supports listed items but allows single mapped item, please see InlineList type.


The error message will provide the position of the node.

Please see SerdeError for more information.

use serde::Deserialize;
use yaml_peg::serde::from_str;

struct Member {
    name: String,
    married: bool,
    age: u8,

let yaml = "
name: Bob
married: 84
age: 46
let err = from_str::<Member>(yaml).err().unwrap();
assert_eq!("invalid type: integer `84`, expected a boolean", err.msg);
assert_eq!(20, err.pos);


The error type for the serialization.


A data type that can support listed items, or inline it if there is single item.

A data type that can support listed items, or inline it if there is single item.

A type that can deserialize from any data to string type.


Parse the document and deserialize nodes to a specific type.

Serialize data into NodeArc.

Serialize data into Node.

Serialize data into Node then dump into string.