macro_rules! node {
    (@[$v:expr; $n:expr]) => { ... };
    (@[$($v:expr),* $(,)?]) => { ... };
    (@{$($k:expr => $v:expr),* $(,)?}) => { ... };
    (@*$anchor:expr) => { ... };
    (@$yaml:expr) => { ... };
    (arc $($tt:tt)+) => { ... };
    (rc $($tt:tt)+) => { ... };
    ($($tt:tt)+) => { ... };
Expand description

Create Node items literally.

Literals and expressions will be transformed to Yaml automatically by calling Into::into.

use yaml_peg::{node, NodeRc};

let k = "a";
assert_eq!(node!(k), node!("a"));
assert_eq!(node!(()), NodeRc::from(()));

Arrays and maps can be created from this macro directly through brackets ([], {}).

use yaml_peg::{node, NodeRc};

let v = vec![NodeRc::from(1), NodeRc::from(2)];
assert_eq!(node!([1, 2]), v.into_iter().collect());
let m = vec![(NodeRc::from(1), NodeRc::from(2))];
assert_eq!(node!({1 => 2}), m.into_iter().collect());

The Yaml::Alias is also supported by the syntax:

use yaml_peg::{node, Yaml};

assert_eq!(node!(Yaml::Alias("x".to_string())), node!(*"x"));

This macro is use Node by default, to specify them, a “rc” or “arc” prefix token can choose the presentation.

use yaml_peg::{node, NodeArc};

assert_eq!(node!(arc()), NodeArc::from(()));