Module yaml_peg::serialize[][src]

This is supported on crate feature serde only.
Expand description

The implementation of serializer.

Here is an example for converting YAML data into a custom structure.

use serde::Deserialize;
use yaml_peg::node;

struct Member {
    name: String,
    married: bool,
    age: u8,

let n = node!({
    "name" => "Bob",
    "married" => true,
    "age" => 46,
let officer = Member::deserialize(n).unwrap();
assert_eq!(46, officer.age);

At least you should enable the serde/derive and serde/alloc features to run the example. The serde/derive feature provides derive macro for the custom data, and if serde/alloc is not used, you cannot deserialize alloc::string::String or alloc::vec::Vec type.

For converting custom data into YAML data, please see to_node and to_arc_node, and if you went to parse / dump YAML document, use from_str and to_string.


The anchors are represented as a single key-value pair { "anchor": anchor } in the serialization. In actual use, this can be achieved with a enum type field.

  1. First, create a enumeration type with multiple type variants.
  2. Then define a type variant with a field named “anchor”, contains String type.
  3. Mark the enum type as “untagged”. (the variant name will be ignored)

And you are done! The parent field will support anchor insertion when deserialized from NodeBase. In the same way, anchor insertion can also be achieved when serializing into a node.

use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};
use yaml_peg::{node, serialize::to_node};

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, PartialEq)]
enum Data {
    Anchor { anchor: String },

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, PartialEq)]
struct Content {
    doc: Data,

let doc = Content {
    doc: Data::Doc("my doc".to_string()),
let anchor = Content {
    doc: Data::Anchor { anchor: "my-anchor".to_string() },
let n_doc = node!({"doc" => "my doc"});
let n_anchor = node!({"doc" => node!(*"my-anchor")});
// Node -> Content (Data::Doc)
assert_eq!(doc, Content::deserialize(n_doc.clone()).unwrap());
// Content -> Node (Data::Doc)
assert_eq!(n_doc, to_node(doc).unwrap());
// Node -> Content (Data::Anchor)
assert_eq!(anchor, Content::deserialize(n_anchor.clone()).unwrap());
// Content -> Node (Data::Anchor)
assert_eq!(n_anchor, to_node(anchor).unwrap());

The first-step inference is fine. Since there are recursive issue in the YAML data, so just keep replace the Data::Anchor variant with another one (Data::Doc). For anchor indexing, please see AnchorBase type.


The error type for the serialization.


Parse the document and deserialize nodes to a specific type.

Serialize data into ArcNode.

Serialize data into Node.

Serialize data into Node then dump into string.