Crate yakui_miniquad

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yakui-miniquad integrates yakui with miniquad.


In order to use this library, create an instance of YakuiMiniQuad and call its event-handler functions from your miniquad::EventHandler implementation.

Here’s an example which just renders “hello, world” in the middle of the screen.

use miniquad::*;
use yakui_miniquad::*;
use yakui::{Color, widgets::Pad};

struct Stage {
    yakui_mq: YakuiMiniQuad

impl Stage {
   pub fn new(ctx: &mut GraphicsContext) -> Stage {
        let yakui_mq = YakuiMiniQuad::new(ctx);
        Stage {

impl EventHandler for Stage {

    fn mouse_motion_event(&mut self, ctx: &mut Context, x: f32, y: f32) {
        self.yakui_mq.mouse_motion_event(ctx, x, y);

    fn mouse_button_down_event(
            &mut self,
            ctx: &mut Context,
            button: MouseButton,
            x: f32,
            y: f32,
        ) {
        self.yakui_mq.mouse_button_down_event(ctx, button, x, y);

    fn mouse_button_up_event(
            &mut self,
            ctx: &mut Context,
            button: MouseButton,
            x: f32,
            y: f32,
        ) {
        self.yakui_mq.mouse_button_up_event(ctx, button, x, y);

    fn key_down_event(
            &mut self,
            ctx: &mut Context,
            keycode: KeyCode,
            keymods: KeyMods,
            repeat: bool,
        ) {
        self.yakui_mq.key_down_event(ctx, keycode, keymods, repeat);

    fn key_up_event(&mut self, ctx: &mut Context, keycode: KeyCode, keymods: KeyMods) {
        self.yakui_mq.key_up_event(ctx, keycode, keymods);

    fn mouse_wheel_event(&mut self, ctx: &mut Context, x: f32, y: f32) {
        self.yakui_mq.mouse_wheel_event(ctx, x, y);

    fn char_event(
            &mut self,
            ctx: &mut Context,
            character: char,
            keymods: KeyMods,
            repeat: bool,
        ) {
        self.yakui_mq.char_event(ctx, character, keymods, repeat);

    fn resize_event(&mut self, ctx: &mut Context, width: f32, height: f32) {
        self.yakui_mq.resize_event(ctx, width, height);

    fn update(&mut self, ctx: &mut Context) {


        yakui::center(|| {
            yakui::colored_box_container(Color::CORNFLOWER_BLUE, || {
                yakui::pad(Pad::all(16.0), || {
                    yakui::text(32.0, "hello, world!");



    fn draw(&mut self, ctx: &mut Context) {


        // draw some stuff before the UI?


        // ... draw some stuff after the UI!





fn main() {
    miniquad::start(conf::Conf::default(), |mut ctx| {
        Box::new(Stage::new(&mut ctx))

