Attribute Macro xtask_wasm::run_example

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Available on crate feature run-example only.
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This macro helps to run an example in the project’s examples/ directory using a development server.


  • In the file examples/, create your example:

    use wasm_bindgen::prelude::*;
    extern "C" {
        #[wasm_bindgen(js_namespace = console)]
        fn log(message: &str);
    fn run_app() {
        log::("Hello World!");
  • In the project’s Cargo.toml:

    xtask-wasm = { version = "*", features = ["run-example"] }
  • Then to run the development server with the example:

    cargo run --example my_example


You can give arguments to the macro to customize the example:

  • app_name - Change the app name.
  • index - Content of a custom index.html.
  • static_dir - Path to a custom static directory.