Module xmpp_parsers::mix

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XEP-0369: Mediated Information eXchange (MIX)


  • The identifier a participant receives when joining a channel.
  • A MIX channel identifier.
  • Represents a participant in a MIX channel, usually returned on the urn:xmpp:mix:nodes:participants PubSub node.
  • A node to subscribe to.
  • A request from a user’s server to join a MIX channel.
  • Update a given subscription.
  • Request to leave a given MIX channel. It will automatically unsubscribe the user from all nodes on this channel.
  • A request to change the user’s nick.
  • Message payload describing who actually sent the message, since unlike in MUC, all messages are sent from the channel’s JID.
  • Create a new MIX channel.
  • Destroy a given MIX channel.