pub use atsamd_hal as hal;
pub use hal::ehal;
pub use hal::pac;
pub use pins::*;
- Definitions related to pins and pin aliases
- Refer to fields of the
struct by alternate names
- Convenience for setting up the labelled SDA, SCL pins to operate as an I2C master running at the specified frequency.
- Convenience for setting up the labelled SPI peripheral. This powers up SERCOM0 and configures it for use as an SPI Master in SPI Mode 0.
- Convenience for setting up the labelled RX, TX pins to operate as a UART device running at the specified baud.
Type Definitions
- I2C master for the labelled SDA & SCL pins
- SPI master for the labelled SPI peripheral
- SPI pads for the labelled SPI peripheral
- UART device for the labelled RX & TX pins
- UART pads for the labelled RX & TX pins