initSidebarItems({"macro":[["int!","Generate a software interrupt. This is a macro argument needs to be an immediate."],["syscall!",""]],"mod":[["controlregs","Functions to read and write control registers."],["cpuid",""],["dtables","Functions and data-structures to load descriptor tables."],["io","I/O port functionality."],["irq","Interrupt description and set-up code."],["msr","MSR value list and function to read and write them."],["paging","Description of the data-structures for IA-32e paging mode."],["perfcnt","Information about available performance counters."],["rflags","Description of RFlag values that store the results of operations and the state of the processor."],["segmentation","Program x86 segmentation hardware."],["syscall","Invokes an OS system-call handler at privilege level 0."],["task","Helpers to program the task state segment."],["time","Functions to read time stamp counters on x86."],["tlb","Functions to flush the translation lookaside buffer (TLB)."]]});