[][src]Function x264_dev::sys::x264_encoder_reconfig

pub unsafe fn x264_encoder_reconfig(
    arg1: *mut X264T,
    arg2: *mut X264ParamT
) -> c_int

various parameters from x264_param_t are copied.

this takes effect immediately, on whichever frame is encoded next; due to delay, this may not be the next frame passed to encoder_encode. if the change should apply to some particular frame, use x264_picture_t->param instead. returns 0 on success, negative on parameter validation error. not all parameters can be changed; see the actual function for a detailed breakdown.

since not all parameters can be changed, moving from preset to preset may not always fully copy all relevant parameters, but should still work usably in practice. however, more so than for other presets, many of the speed shortcuts used in ultrafast cannot be switched out of; using reconfig to switch between ultrafast and other presets is not recommended without a more fine-grained breakdown of parameters to take this into account.