[][src]Macro wundergraph::query_object

macro_rules! query_object {
        $(#[doc = $glob_doc: expr])*
        $query_name: ident {
                $(#[$($meta: tt)*])*
                $graphql_struct: ident$((
                        $($(#[wundergraph(default = $arg_default: expr)])? $arg: ident : $arg_ty: ty $(,)?)*
    ) => { ... };

Macro to register the main query object

Annotated example

#[derive(WundergraphEntity, Identifiable)]
#[table_name = "species"]
pub struct Species {
    id: i32,
    name: String,
    heros: HasMany<Hero, heros::species,>

#[derive(WundergraphEntity, Identifiable)]
#[table_name = "home_worlds"]
pub struct HomeWorld {
    id: i32,
    name: String,
    heros: HasMany<Hero, heros::home_world>

#[derive(WundergraphEntity, Identifiable)]
#[table_name = "heros"]
pub struct Hero {
    id: i32,
    name: String,
    species: HasOne<i32, Species>,
    home_world: Option<HasOne<i32, HomeWorld>>,

wundergraph::query_object! {
    // The main query object. The provided name
    // maps directly to the generated struct which
    // could be used then as juniper GraphQL struct

    /// An optional doc comment describing the main query object
    /// Rendered as GraphQL description
    Query {
        // Register a wundergraph GraphQL entity
        // There are several optional attributes here:
        // * Documentation comments, rendered as description
        // * Deprecation attribute, rendered as deprecated notice
        // * A name attribute, that renames the field to the given name

        /// GraphQL description for the hero entity
        #[deprecated(note = "Deprecated notice for hero")]
        #[wundergraph(graphql_name = "TheHero")]
        // Additionally there are a few attributes to control the generated
        // field:
        // * `#[wundergraph(filter = true)]` Specifies if a filter
        //   argument is generated for the current entity.
        //   Possible Values: true, false
        // * `#[wundergraph(limit = true)]` Specifies if a limit
        //   argument is generated for the current entity.
        //   Possible Values: true, false
        // * `#[wundergraph(offset = true)]` Specifies if an offset clause
        //   argument is generated for the current entity.
        //   Possible Values: true, false
        // * `#[wundergraph(order = true)]` Specifies if an order clause
        //   argument is generated for the current entity.
        //   Possible Values: true, false
        // Default values for all options are true. As shown below it is
        // possible to have multiple flags in one attribute.
        #[wundergraph(filter = false)]
        #[wundergraph(offset = true, order = false, limit = false,)]
        // It is also possible to register additional arguments for entities.
        // To use this arguments it is required to provide a manual
        // implementation of LoadingHandler
            // Define a required argument for the entity
            additional_arg: String,
            // Define a optional argument for the entity with a
            // given default values
            #[wundergraph(default = None)]
            another_arg: Option<String>