Expand description

This crate exposes derive macros that enable Rust types to derive wrpc_transport::Encode and wrpc_transport::Receive traits.


use wrpc_transport_derive::{Encode, Receive};

#[derive(Trace, PartialEq, Eq, Encode, Receive, Default)]
struct TestStruct {
    one: u32,

let mut buffer: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
// Encode the TestStruct
TestStruct { one: 1 }
    .encode(&mut buffer)
    .context("failed to perform encode")?;

// Attempt to receive the value
let (received, leftover): (TestStruct, _) =
    Receive::receive_sync(Bytes::from(buffer), &mut empty())
        .context("failed to receive")?;

// At this point, we expect the received bytes to be exactly the same as what we started with
assert_eq!(received, TestStruct { one: 1 }, "received matches");
assert_eq!(leftover.remaining(), 0, "payload was completely consumed");

NOTE: This macro crate uses tracing, so if you’d like to see the input & output tokens, prepend your command (ex. cargo build) with RUST_LOG=trace.


  • Dependencies of the macros container in the “inner” macro crate (wrpc_transport_derive_macro), hoisted to this level so they can be referenced from the inner macro, and are sure to be included


Derive Macros§

  • Derive an [wrpc_transport::Encode] implementation
  • Derive an [wrpc_transport::Receive] implementation
  • Derive an [wrpc_transport::Subscribe] implementation