Module wrapped_mono::runtime

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Functions related to getting data about and configuring mono runtime.


  • Checks if currently loaded version of corelib will work with this runtime. Returns nothing if it will, and error message if it will not.
  • Load config from file fname, or defalut config if fname is none. Default config will be either the default system config or file in directory config_dir if set using set_dirs function.
  • Load config from string in memory. config must be an string representing XML configuration.
  • Gets runtime version and build date as a string in format VERSION (FULL_VERSION BUILD_DATE)
  • Sets paths to directories containing manged assemblies and config files. If None passed for assembly_dir, default system location for assemblies will be used. If None passed for config_dir default system configs will be used.
  • Enable/Disable signal chaining. If it is enabled, runtime saves original signal handlers and passes certain signals to them.