Module wow_srp::client[][src]

Contains all functionality related to the client part.

All arrays are little endian. See examples/ for how to authenticate with a server.


The Typestate pattern is used in order to prevent accidental incorrect use for every type except for SrpClient. This means that whenever the next step of computation takes place, you call a function taking self, consuming the old object, and returning the new object.

The state machine goes like this:

SrpClientUser -> SrpClientChallenge -> SrpClient -| -> SrpClientReconnection
                                           ^      |

Where an SrpClientReconnection object is the result of SrpClient::calculate_reconnect_values that contains the necessary reconnect values.

When reaching SrpClient the client has fully connected to the server and should be send the ‘Send Realmlist’ packet.


The chain starts with an SrpClientUser, then goes to an SrpClientChallenge and ends with the SrpClient which returns SrpClientReconnections for reconnecting challenges.

The full example including network code can be found in examples/


The client has some limitations that enable a simpler overall design:

  • Fixed 32 byte large safe prime length. Despite the field in the packet being variable this is made possible because of the fact that even the oldest emulators are using 32 byte values.
  • Only accepting valid NormalizedString values. This is done to unify the server and client implementations.
  • GENERATOR can be maximum 1 byte. This is done because occurrences of multi byte generators is extremely low.



Represents a connection with the server.


Second step of the client connection. First is SrpClientUser.


Contains the challenge data and proof for reconnection.


Starting point of the client.