Attribute Macro worker::event

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The event macro is used to denote a Worker handler, essentially binding from the JS runtime to a Rust function.

As of right now, the following attributes are supported:

  • fetch: Fetch Handler
  • scheduled: Scheduled Handler
  • queue: Queue Handler
    • This attribute is only available when the queue feature is enabled.
  • start: merely creates a wasm-bindgen start function
  • respond_with_errors: if this attribute is present, the function will return a Response object with a 500 status code and the status text of the error message, if an error occurs

The macro is expanded into a different function signature, depending on the attributes used


At a high-level, the fetch handler is used to handle incoming HTTP requests. The function signature for a fetch handler is conceptually something like:

async fn fetch(req: impl From<web_sys::Request>, env: Env, ctx: Context) -> Result<impl Into<web_sys::Response>, impl Into<Box<dyn Error>>>

In other words, it takes some “request” object that can be derived from a web_sys::Request (into whatever concrete Request type you like), and returns some “response” object that can be converted into a web_sys::Response (from whatever concrete Response type you like). Error types can be any type that implements [std::error::Error].

In practice, the “request” and “response” objects are usually one of these concrete types, supported out of the box:

§worker::{Request, Response}

#[event(fetch, respond_with_errors)]
async fn main(req: worker::Request, env: Env, ctx: Context) -> Result<worker::Response> {
  worker::Response::ok("Hello World (worker type)")

§web_sys::{Request, Response}

#[event(fetch, respond_with_errors)]
async fn main(req: web_sys::Request, env: Env, ctx: Context) -> Result<web_sys::Response> {
  Ok(web_sys::Response::new_with_opt_str(Some("Hello World (native type)".into())).unwrap())

§axum (with http feature)

async fn fetch(req: HttpRequest, env: Env, ctx: Context) -> Result<http::Response<axum::body::Body>> {