Crate worker

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  • Durable Objects provide low-latency coordination and consistent storage for the Workers platform. A given namespace can support essentially unlimited Durable Objects, with each Object having access to a transactional, key-value storage API.


  • When debugging your Worker via wrangler dev, wrangler tail, or from the Workers Dashboard, anything passed to this macro will be printed to the terminal or written to the console.
  • When debugging your Worker via wrangler dev, wrangler tail, or from the Workers Dashboard, anything passed to this macro will be printed to the terminal or written to the console.
  • When debugging your Worker via wrangler dev, wrangler tail, or from the Workers Dashboard, anything passed to this macro will be printed to the terminal or written to the console.
  • When debugging your Worker via wrangler dev, wrangler tail, or from the Workers Dashboard, anything passed to this macro will be printed to the terminal or written to the console.




Type Aliases§

  • A string value representing a binding to a secret in a Worker.
  • A string value representing a binding to an environment variable in a Worker.

Attribute Macros§