Crate work_queue[][src]

A concurrent work-stealing queue for building schedulers.


Distribute some tasks in a thread pool:

use work_queue::{Queue, LocalQueue};

struct Task(Box<dyn Fn(&mut LocalQueue<Task>) + Send>);

let threads = 4;

let queue: Queue<Task> = Queue::new(threads, 128);

// Push some tasks to the queue.
for _ in 0..500 {
    queue.push(Task(Box::new(|local| {

        local.push(Task(Box::new(|_| do_work())));
        local.push(Task(Box::new(|_| do_work())));

// Spawn threads to complete the tasks.
let handles: Vec<_> = queue
    .map(|mut local_queue| {
        std::thread::spawn(move || {
            while let Some(task) = local_queue.pop() {
                task.0(&mut local_queue);

for handle in handles {

Comparison with crossbeam-deque

This crate is similar in purpose to crossbeam-deque, which also provides concurrent work-stealing queues. However there are a few notable differences:

  • This crate is more high level - work stealing is done automatically when calling pop instead of you having to manually call it.
  • As such, we do not support as much customization as crossbeam-deque - but the algorithm itself can be optimized better.
  • Queues have a fixed number of local queues that they support, and this number cannot grow.
  • Each local queue has a fixed capacity, unlike crossbeam-deque which supports local queue growth. This makes our local queues faster.



One of the local queues in a Queue.


An iterator over the LocalQueues in a Queue. Created by Queue::local_queues.


A work queue.