
A type representing an agile reference to a COM/WinRT object.

A WinRT array stores elements contiguously in a heap-allocated buffer.

A logically borrowed type that still retains the in-memory representation of the underlying type.

An error object consists of both an error code as well as detailed error information for debugging.

A type that you can use to declare and implement an event of a specified delegate type.

A globally unique identifier (GUID) used to identify COM and WinRT interfaces.

An error code value returned by most COM functions.

A WinRT string (HSTRING) is reference-counted and immutable.

A WinRT object that may be used as a polymorphic stand-in for any WinRT class, interface, or boxed value. IInspectable represents the IInspectable interface.

All COM interfaces (and thus WinRT classes and interfaces) implement IUnknown under the hood to provide reference-counted lifetime management as well as the ability to query for additional interfaces that the object may implement.

An “IN” param to a Windows API.

A pointer to a constant null-terminated string of 8-bit Windows (ANSI) characters.

A pointer to a constant null-terminated string of 16-bit Unicode characters.

A pointer to a null-terminated string of 8-bit Windows (ANSI) characters.

A pointer to a null-terminated string of 16-bit Unicode characters.

Weak holds a non-owning reference to an object.


Provides low-level access to a COM interface.

Type Definitions

A specialized Result type that provides Windows error information.