Expand description

Some tools to help with the return value


use what_i_want::*;

fn login(username: String) -> bool {
    require!(username == "admin", false);

fn login2(username: String) {
    require!(username == "admin");

Handling Result and Option


// Before using `what_i_want`
pub async fn get_mutipart_data(mut mutipart_data: Multipart) -> MultipartData {
    // Nested hell, and different Enum (Result, Option) handling
    // Of course this code is just for demonstration
    while let Some(Ok(mut field)) = mutipart_data.next().await {
        if let Some(disposition) = field.headers().get(&header::CONTENT_DISPOSITION) {
            if let Ok(disposition_str) = disposition.to_str() {
                if let Some(dis) = ContentDisposition::parse(disposition_str) {
                    if let Some(key) = dis.name {
                        while let Some(Ok(chunk)) = field.next().await {
    MultipartData { ... }

// After using `what_i_want`
use what_i_want::*;

async fn get_mutipart_data(mut mutipart_data: Multipart) -> MultipartData {
    while let Some(Ok(mut field)) = mutipart_data.next().await {
        let disposition = unwrap_or_continue!(field.headers().get(&header::CONTENT_DISPOSITION));
        let disposition_str = unwrap_or_continue!(disposition.to_str());
        let dis = unwrap_or_continue!(ContentDisposition::parse(disposition_str));
        let key = unwrap_or_continue!(dis.name);
        while let Some(Ok(chunk)) = field.next().await {
    MultipartData { ... }


Execute if the condition is true, otherwise return

If it’s not what you want, then do continue

If it’s not what you want, then do what you want

If it’s not what you want, then do return false

If it’s not what you want, then do return ()

If it’s not what you want, then do return true

If it’s not what you want, then do return <defined return value>


Implement WhatIwant and let us know what you want