Module wgpu_core::command

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Error encountered when performing a compute pass.
Describes an individual channel within a render pass, such as color, depth, or stencil.
Error encountered when finishing recording a render bundle.
Describes a color attachment to a render pass.
Describes a depth/stencil attachment to a render pass.
Describes the attachments of a render pass.
Error encountered when performing a render pass.


Error encountered while attempting a clear.
Error encountered when performing a compute pass.
Error encountered while attempting to do a copy on a command encoder.
Error type returned from RenderBundleEncoder::new if the sample count is invalid.
Error validating a draw call.
Error type returned from RenderBundleEncoder::new if the sample count is invalid.
Operation to perform to the output attachment at the start of a renderpass.
Error encountered when dealing with queries
Error encountered while trying to use queries
Error encountered when encoding a render command. This is the shared error set between render bundles and passes.
Error encountered when performing a render pass.
Error encountered while trying to resolve a query.
Operation to perform to the output attachment at the end of a renderpass.
Error encountered while attempting a data transfer.

Type Definitions